The Vagabond Question Answer – Class 7 English Chapter 6 Solution

West Bengal Board Class 7 English Chapter 6 The Vagabond Solution – West Bengal Board Class 7 English Chapter 6 Model Activity Question Answer is given here. The Vagabond is written by Robert Louis Stevenson which is

The Vagabond - Class 7 English - Chapter 6 Solution

Activity 1 Solution

Choose the correct from the given alternatives :

(a) The vagabond wishes to have his bed

(i) In a frosty field

(ii) in the bush

(iii) at a roadside inn.

Answer: (ii) in the bush

(b) The vagabond prays for a life

(i) In close contact with nature

(ii) devoted to social work

(iii) Spent in comfort and luxury

Answer: (i) In close contact with nature

(c) The vagabond does not seek

(i) The heaven above him

(ii) wealth

(iii) the road below him

Answer: (ii) wealth

Activity 2 Solution

Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False. Give a supporting statements for each of your answers:

(a) The vagabond wants the way to be far away from him away from him. (  )

Answer: False

Supporting Statement : “And the byway nigh me.”

(b) The vagabond dips the bread in the river water. (  )

Answer: True

Supporting Statement : “Bread I dip the river.”

(c) When autumn comes the birds are going to be happy with their chirpings. (  )

Answer: False

Supporting Statement : “silencing the birds on tree.”

(d) The vagabond will not fear t face Autumn or Winter. (  )

Answer: True

Supporting Statement : “not to autumn will  yield,/not to winter even”

Activity 3 Solution

Complete the sentences meaningfully:

(a) The vagabond is a person who ___________________________

Answer: “Life’s wonders, caring and trouble-free.”

(b) The vagabond wants a life of _____________________________

Answer: his own love.

(c) The vagabond asks for____________________________________

Answer: “Cheerful skies overhead.”

d) The vagabond does not ___________________________________ to know him .

Answer: Desire neither riches, love, nor acquaintance.

Activity 4 Solution

Answer the following questions:

(a) What kind of  a life does the vagabond want ?

Answer: The wanderer yearns for the tramp’s existence, craving a life of unbridled wandering amidst nature. Friendship, riches, and love hold no appeal; what beckons is the boundless sky above and the endless road below.

(b) What are the things that do not interest the vagabond?

Answer: The vagabond finds no allure in wealth, love, or companionship. Similarly, the comforts of home hold no attraction for him.

(c) What would the vagabond do when winter falls?

Answer: Even when the fireside is cozy in winter, the wanderer refuses to succumb to the season, persisting in maintaining his unique lifestyle.

(d) How does the poet describe a field in autumn ?

Answer: The poet depicts the autumn field as both frosty and resembling a meal.

(e) Why does the poet repeat repeat the second stanza once again?

Answer: Again, the poet repeats the second line to express his preference for the vagabond’s way of life and his contempt for a mundane existence.

(f) What message does the poet want to give through the poem ?

Answer: In the poem, the poet communicates the idea that when an individual succumbs to the alluring summons of nature, they become inexorably captivated by it. Nature entwines them in its spell, making worldly comforts and societal restrictions inconsequential.

Activity 5 Solution

Match the words Column A with their meanings in Column B:


loveA feeling of care and understanding
heavenA place where a soul finds peace and his God
nighThat which is near
lavaA stream or rivulet
frostyCovered  with thin ice
friendA person who stands by at al times

Activity 6 Solution

Fill in the blanks with the antonyms of the words given in brackets :

(a) There is a ________________ (warm) breeze bowing from the sea.

Answer: cold

(b) His coat is _____________ (white) in colour.

Answer: black

(c) After spring comes ___________ (winter).

Answer: summer

(d) from the mountain top, I could see the river flowing ______________ (above).

Answer: below

(e) I do not want to be ___________ (early) for the meeting.

Answer: late

Activity 7 Solution

Make as many new words as you can from the poem by adding suffixes. One is done for you:

(a) _y : wealthy, __________________________

Answer: earthy, bushy, wealthy

(b) _less : _____________________________

Answer: lifeless, hopeless, loveless

(c) _full : ______________________________

Answer: bowlful, mouthful, hopeful

(d) _ly : ________________________________

Answer: manly, friendly, earthly

(e) _th : _______________________________

Answer: width, warmth

(f) _side : ______________________________

Answer: roadside, riverside, lakeside

(g) _er : ________________________________

Answer: sooner, better, jollier

(h) _r : _________________________________

Answer: writer, giver, later

Activity 8(a) Solution

Find participle adjectives from the given sentences :

(a) He got down from a running bus.

Answer: running

(b) The loaded truck hit the tree.

Answer: loaded

(c) I met a charming woman today.

Answer: charming

(d) Don’t eat rotten mangoes.

Answer: rotten

(e) Cricket is an exciting game.

Answer: exciting

Activity 8(b) Solution

Make new sentences with the participle adjectives that you have found in Activity 8(a).


running : She enjoys running in the park.

loaded : He carried a loaded backpack for the trip.

charming : The little cottage had a charming garden.

rotten : The fruit in the basket was rotten.

exciting : The roller coaster ride was very exciting.

Activity 9 Solution

Punctuate the following passage :


“Do you know, Watson?” said Holmes as we sat together at the end of the garden in the darkness. “I have really some hesitation in taking you tonight. There is a risk of danger. You know I welcome it, but you have evidently seen in these rooms more than was visible to me.”

“You saw the ventilator.”

“Yes, but I do not think that it is such a very dangerous or unusual thing to have a small opening between two rooms. It was so small that a rat could hardly pass through.”

Activity 10 Solution

Complete the sentences with adjectives in their proper degree:

(a) Ram is _________________ (old) than Shyam.

Answer: older

(b) Mt. Everest is the _________________ (high) peak in the world.

Answer: highest

(c) A mango is as ________________ (sweet) to taste as an apple.

Answer: sweet

(d) Darjeeling is __________________ (cool) than Siliguri.

Answer: cooler

(e) Kolkata is the __________________ (large) city in West Bengal.

Answer: largest

(f) Sita is _________________________ (tall) than Reshma.

Answer: taller

Activity 11 Solution

Fill in the blanks with the plural nouns given in the help box. There are some extra words.

(a) You have won the match _________________________ !

Answer: congratulations

(b) The police _____________________ were not far away.

Answer: headquarters

(c) He did not have the ___________________, but he had the capacity to build an empire.

Answer: means

(d) The test __________________ was so exciting that all were glued to the television.

Answer: series

(e) He held the burning coal with the help of __________________.

Answer: tongs

Activity 12 Solution

Describe in a short paragraph ( within seventy words) your experience of enjoying a picnic. you may use the following hints:

Answer: I went on a picnic to a beautiful park last summer with my friends. The sun was shining brightly, and there was a cool breeze. We played games like fish bee and had a delicious lunch under the shade of a tree. We laughed a lot and took photos. After the picnic, I felt so happy and relaxed, with memories to cherish.

The Vagabond Solution Class 7 English Chapter 6 Activity Lesson Question Answer for West Bengal Board Bengali Medium English Text Book is given here for reference purpose. If you have any question on Class 7 English Book Chapter 6 Solution, then comment here.

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