An April Day Question Answer – Class 8 English Chapter 3 Solution

West Bengal Board Class 8 English Chapter 3 Solution – An April Day Question Answer: Class 8 English Textbook Blossoms Chapter 3 English Activity Question Answers are given in the below article. WB Board 8th Class English Book Chapter 3 Questions from “An April Day” written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is given for Activity 1 to Activity 8. Read the question answer and solution of the Chapter 3 Class 8 English Book and if you have any doubts, do leave a comment.

An April Day - Class 8 English Chapter 3 solution

Activity-1 solution

Tick the correct alternative :

(i) When the warm sun has returned again , it is nice to

(a) sing out loud

(b) visit the still wood

(c) sail down the river

Answer: (b) visit the still wood

(ii) The sapling draws its sustenance from

(a) the blue sky

(b) rainwater

(c) earth’s loosened mould

Answer: (c) earth’s loosened mould

(iii) The birds

(a) glance quick in the bright sun

(b) sit on the branches of the trees

(c) peck at the grains from the ground

Answer: (a) glance quick in the bright sun

(iv) The green slope throws its Shadow upon

(a) the mountain

(b) the hollows of the Hills

(c) the sand dunes

Answer: (b) the hollows of the Hills

Activity – 2 Solution

Complete the following sentences with information from the text :

(a) Spring is the season of ____________________________

Answer: blossoming of flowers.

(b) The coming on off storms is for told by ____________________________

Answer: marry-folded dark clouds.

(c) The birds move along ____________________________________

Answer: by opening of the forest.

(d) The bright sunset fills ____________________________________

Answer: the silver woods with light.

Activity – 4 Solution

Fill in the chart with information from the text :

WhoDid what
(i) The first flowerAnswer: springs in the forest.
(ii) The forest gladesAnswer: are shining with bright.
(iii) The saplingsAnswer: make its living from the loosen art mould.
(iv) The drooping treesAnswer: roam through stricken heart with winters cold.

Activity – 5 Solution

Answer the following questions :

(a) Why is it sweet to visit the wood during springtime ?

Answer: Will be updated soon.

(b) What does winter’s cold do to the tree?

Answer: Whenever winter’s cold falls hardly there are likely stricken towards hearts with chilly cold and so they fully wither.

(c) What time of the Day do you think it is when “ The green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hills ?

Answer: It’s sunset Day (period ) when the green slope throws it’s shadows in the hollows of the hills.

(d) Why do you think the poem is titled “An April Day”? suggest an alternative title.

Answer: Because the poem describes a day in the month of April. An alternative title may be “Sweet Spring”.

Activity – 6(a) Solution

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms from those given the brackets:

(i) He ___________________ here for the last two years.(worked , is working , has been working)

Answer: He has been working here for the last two years.

(ii) The baby _______________ all morning.(cries , has been crying , had cried)

Answer: The baby has been crying all morning.

(iii) It __________________ for a long time before we went to school.(had been raining , rained , rains)

Answer: It had been raining for a long time before we went to school.

(iv) The passengers of the train _________________ fast when the accident occurred.(slept , had been sleeping , sleep)

Answer: The passengers of the train had been sleeping fast when the accident occurred.

Activity – 6(b) Solution

Fill in the blanks with either the Future Continuous tense or Future perfect tense of the verbs given in brackets:

(i) I suppose it _____________ when we start. (rain)

Answer: I suppose it will be raining when we start.

(ii) He ____________________ us next week. (meet)

Answer: He will be meeting us next week.

(iii) She _____________________ Jamshedpur by then. (reach)

Answer: She will have reached Jamshedpur by then.

(iv) This book is not fat, I __________________ it by lunch time. (read)

Answer: This book is not fat, I shall have read it by lunch time.

Activity – 7 Solution

Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

(a) harvest : _______________________________

Answer: The farmers gathered in the fields to begin the harvest.

(b) teeming : ____________________________

Answer: The forest was teeming with wildlife, from deer to squirrels and birds.

(c) thrives : ___________________________

Answer: A well-nourished plant thrives and produces beautiful flowers.

(d) glance : ___________________________

Answer: She gave him a quick glance before entering the room.

We are expecting that you have found our Questions Answers from Class 8 English Chapter 3 of West Bengal Board satisfactory. We will also give here some model question answer in the upcoming days for Class 8 Students.

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