The Plate of Gold Questions Answers | Class 8 English Chapter 3.1 Solutions Maharashtra Board Balbharati

The Plate of Gold Question and Answer PDF – Download Maharashtra Board Balbharati English Text Book Class 8 Chapter 3.1 Exercise Solution.

The Plate of Gold english questions answers download pdf class 8 english chapter 3.1

Balbharati English Class 8 Chapter 3.1 Question & Answer

(1) Pick out words from the poem to complete the sentences meaningfully.

(a) Stephen Hawking was a ______ (famous) Astrophysicist.

Answer : Renowned.

(b) The Government made a ______ (announcement) about their new taxation policy.

Answer : Proclamation.

(c) Everyone stood ______ (horrified) when the terrible accident took place.

Answer : Aghast.

(d) She ______ (bargained) with the hawker to reduce the price.

Answer : Wrangled.

(e) Handicapped people should never be ______ (ignored and avoided)

Answer : Shunned.

(2) Make a list of archaic words from the poem and give their modern equivalents.

Answer :

Archaic wordsModern equivalents
(1) WondrousWonderful
(2) DropDropped
(3) LovethLoves
(4) WordPresented
(5) WritWritten
(6) ThouYou
(7) ThyYour
(8) O’erOver
(9) Thineyour

(3) Rearrange the following in the proper order and insert them into a flow chart as per the poem.

(a) The plate turned to lead, when it was gifted to false-hearted claimants.

(b) Many claimants donated their wealth to receive the plate of gold.

(c) For almost two years, no claimants received the plate of gold.

(d) A plate of gold fell in a temple from Heaven.

(e) The peasant offered comfort and courage to a blind miserable beggar. whom all had ignored.

(f) The priests announced that the one who loved God most of all, would receive the gift from Heaven.

(g) When the priest gave the plate of gold to that peasant, it shone with thrice its lustre.

(h) A simple peasant, who had nothing to offer, came to that temple.

Answer :

(d) A plate of gold fell in a temple from Heaven.

(f) The priests announced that the one who loved God most of all, would receive the gift from Heaven.

(b) Many claimants donated their wealth to receive the plate of gold.

(a) The plate turned to lead, when it was gifted to false-hearted claimants.

(c) For almost two years, no claimants received the plate of gold.

(h) A simple peasant, who had nothing to offer, came to that temple.

(e) The peasant offered comfort and courage to a blind miserable beggar. whom all had ignored.

(g) When the priest gave the plate of gold to that peasant, it shone with thrice its lustre.

(4) Which two sayings about God are conveyed through the poem ‘The Plate of Gold’?

(a) God helps those, who help themselves.

(b) God loves those, who love their fellow beings.

(c) God loves those, who give away their wealth, to please Him.

(d) Service to mankind is service to God.

Answer :

(b) God loves those, who love their fellow beings.

(d) Service to mankind is service to God.

(5) ‘But the peasant bowed and prayed to God ____’ What could he have prayed for?

Answer : The peasant probably prayed for the welfare of all people, seeking divine assistance for everyone to bravely endure their trials.

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