The Kabuliwallah Question Answer | UP Board Class 8 Chapter 2 Solution

The Kabuliwallah” Prose – UP Board Class 8 English Book Chapter 2 Question Answer is provided here. Download the solution given below from The Kabuliwallah story Textbook Exercise Questions.

The Kabuliwallah is a story written by Rabindranath Tagore. Part of this story is included in Chapter 8 of the UP State Education Board’s Class 8 English Text Book “Rainbow“. Get the questions and answer of the Multiple Choice, Objective and Descriptive type questions and grammar parts from this article.

Comprehension Question Answer

Question 1.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Why was Mini called a chatterbox?

Answer : Mini earned the nickname “chatterbox” due to her incessant need to chat constantly.

(b) Why was Mini afraid of the Kabuliwallah?

Answer : Hearing stories that Kabuliwallahs captured children, stowed them in sacks, and whisked them away, Mini grew fearful of them.

(c) Why was the Kabuliwallah arrested?

Answer : Rehman, the Kabuliwallah, was arrested for stabbing a man who owed him money.

(d) Why was the Kabuliwallah shocked to see Mini?

Answer : Seeing Mini, the little girl he once knew, transformed into such a stunning woman, left him astonished.

(e) What did Mini’s father give him?

Answer : Mini’s father handed Rehman some money, enabling him to reunite with his daughter after many years.

(f) Mention the human qualities that you observe in the story.

Answer : The story of Mini and the Kabuliwallah’s attachment and human connection is told in this chapter. It draws attention to the girl and her father’s lively and loving relationship. In the end, Mini’s father demonstrates a model of generosity by giving the Kabuliwallah money, allowing him to reconcile with his daughter.

Question 2.

Tick (✓) for the correct statements and cross (✗) for the wrong statements:

(1) Mini could not live without chatting all the time.

Answer : (✓) .

(2) Rehman was a big bearded pathan.

Answer : (✓) .

(3) Mini did not forget the Kabuliwallah.

Answer : (✗) .

(4) Mini’s father did not help Rehman with some money.

Answer : (✗) .

(5) Mini’s father had to cut down the expenses of the wedding.

Answer : (✓) .

Word Power

Question 1.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box:

afford, suddenly, sacks, stabbed, owed

(1) We keep grains in _____________ .

Answer : sacks .

(2) My friend ___________ me one thousand rupees.

Answer : owed .

(3) Tom ____________ Mary in the back.

Answer : stabbed .

(4) A dog ___________ jumped at Ankit.

Answer : suddenly .

(5) Don’t spend more than you can ____________.

Answer : afford .

Question 2.

Suggest a suitable word from the given box for each of the following sentences:

optimist, democracy, patriot, chatterbox, literate

Example: A person who can read and write – literate .

(1) A person who talks too much –

Answer : chatterbox .

(2) A person who loves his country –

Answer : patriot .

(3) A government by the people –

Answer : democracy .

(4) A person who looks at the bright side of the thing –

Answer : optimist .

Language Practice Question Answer

Question 1.

Choose the correct conjunction given in the brackets and fill in the blanks:

(1) You had a long day. Go rest for a while. (and/but/or)

Answer : You had a long day. Go and rest for a while.

(2) We could not buy the medicine all the shops were closed. (because/so/or)

Answer : We could not buy the medicine because all the shops were closed.

(3) I went to bed early I couldn’t watch the T.V. show last night. (or/so/but)

Answer : I went to bed early so I couldn’t watch the T.V. show last night.

(4) The stick was thin it was strong. (or/but/and)

Answer : The stick was thin but it was strong.

(5) You can have a tea a coffee. (and/or/so)

Answer : You can have a tea or a coffee.

Question 2.

Put a suitable word in each blank to match the part of speech indicated in the bracket :

(1) Mrs. Verma took _________ son to school.

Answer : Mrs. Verma took her son to school. (pronoun)

(2) The child has a flower _________ his hand.

Answer : The child has a flower in his hand. (preposition)

(3) The _________ soldier fought for his country.

Answer : The brave soldier fought for his country. (adjective)

(4) He always did his work very ________ .

Answer : He always did his work very sincerely (adverb)

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