Revolutionary Steps In Surgery Question Answer | Maharashtra Board Class 8 Chapter 4.2

Maharashtra Board Class 8 English Revolutionary Steps In Surgery Chapter 4.2 Question Answer Download PDF Balbharati Solutions

(1) Read the lesson and name the following.

(a) First surgeon to perform operations –

Answer : Sushruta.

(b) Anaesthetics used from mid 19th century –

Answer : Ether or chloroform.

(c) First successful Cardiac Surgeon –

Answer : Daniel Hale Williams.

(d) A sack around the heart –

Answer : Pericardium.

(e) Father of modern neurosurgery –

Answer : Harvey Cushing.

(f) World’s most advanced surgical robot –

Answer : Da Vinci.

(2) Match the terms in ‘A’ with their explanation in ‘B’.

(1) tooth- extraction(a) a cut made for surgery
(2) cardiac(b) having length, breadth and depth
(3) sedative(c) plastic surgery
(4) tumour(d) related to the heart
(5) incision(e) a control unit for a robotic surgery
(6) a console(f) removing a decayed tooth
(7) 3-D(g) substance that makes a person sleep
(8) cushing clip(h) an extra growth in the body
(i) a device to stop blood loss in neurosurgery.

Answer :

(1) tooth- extraction(f) removing a decayed tooth
(2) cardiac(d) related to the heart
(3) sedative(g) substance that makes a person sleep
(4) tumour(h) an extra growth in the body
(5) incision(a) a cut made for surgery
(6) a console(e) a control unit for a robotic surgery
(7) 3-D(b) having length, breadth and depth
(8) cushing clip(i) a device to stop blood loss in neurosurgery.

(3) Fill in the web with words related to ‘Surgery’.

Answer : Patient, Major, Surgeon, Organs, Anesthesia, Operation

(5) (A) Fill in the gap in the table of Degrees of Comparison.


Answer :


(B)  Give the Comparative and Superlative forms of

(1) ancient
(2) special
(3) significant
(4) advanced
(5) accurate

Answer :

(1) ancientMore ancientMost ancient
(2) specialMore specialMost special
(3) significantMore significantMost significant
(4) advancedMore advancedMost significant
(5) accurateMore accurateMost accurate

(6) Join the sentences using appropriate Co-ordinators. (but, or, so, and)

(a) There was lack of technology. Major surgery could not develop for centuries.

Answer : There was lack of technology but surgery could not develop for centuries.

 (b) Cardiac Surgery was tried in the past. Patients did not survive.

Answer : Cardiac surgery was tried in the past patients but did not survive.

(c) He places his fingers into the master controls. He operates all four arms of the Da vinci.

Answer : He places his fingers into the master controls or he operates all four arms of the Da vinci.

(d) Open heart surgery can help to repair heart valves. It can also replce them.

Answer : Open heart surgery can help to repair heart valves so it can also replace them.

(e) Heart patients were treated with sedatives. They did not survive.

Answer : Heart patients were treated with sedatives, but they did not survive.

(f) These procedures can be performed through very small incisions. Our patients experience a number of benefits.

Answer : These procedures can be performed through very small incisions and our patients experience a number of benifits.

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