Know Your Birds Question Answer: Class 3 English Lesson 4 Solution | Butterfly WB Board

West Bengal Board Class 3 English Textbook Butterfly Lesson 4 “Know your Birds” activity solution is given here.

All the activity solutions from the Class 3 Lesson 4 from the Book Butterfly can be downloaded from here. Students and their parents can easily check the solution for the questions given in the Butterfly text book of Class 3.

WB Board English Class 3 Lesson 4 Butterfly Solution

On your mark..

Let’s talk… 

Ask your partner: 

(1) Who can fly in the sky?

Answer : Birds.

(2) Who has beautiful feathers?

Answer : Peacock.

(3) Who has a strong beak?

Answer : Woodpecker.

(4) Who can build a nest? 

Answer : Weaver birds.

Activity – 1

Put [T] for true and [F] for false statements in the boxes. One is done for you.

1. The crane was catching frogs for lunch.

Answer : F.

2. The peacock lived by the side of a river.

Answer : F.

3. The feathers of the crane were colorless.

Answer : T.

4. The peacock was sorry for his beauty.

Answer : F.

5. The crane came to live by the lake.

Answer : F.

6. The crane looked at his own reflection in the water.

Answer : T.

7. The peacock felt ashamed at last.

Answer : T.

Activity – 2

Fill in the blanks with the words in the help box. One is done for you:

Help Box – Lived, Felt, met, mocked, taught, went

1. The peacock ___________ very proud of his beauty.

Answer : Felt.

2. The peacock __________ in a forest.

Answer : Lived.

3. The crane ____________ him a good lesson.

Answer : Taught.

4. The peacock ____________ at the crane.

Answer : Mocked.

5. The peacock __________ away ashamed. 

Answer : Went.

6. The peacock __________ a crane in the lake by chance. 

Answer : Met.

Activity – 3 

Now look again at the above sentences in Activity 2. Put them in the correct order to frame a story.

Answer :

1. The peacock lived in a forest.

2. The peacock felt very proud of his beauty.

3. The peacock met a crane in the lake by chance. 

4. The peacock mocked at the crane. 

5. The crane taught him a good lesson.

6. The peacock went away ashamed. 

Activity – 4 

A. In the text you will find some underlined words. Some of them end with ‘-ed’ and some of them without ‘-ed’. Make a list of them. One is done for you: 

Answer :

Words ending with ‘-ed’Words ending without ‘-ed’
1. looked1. came
2. liked2. saw
3. used3. said
4. murmured4. spread
5. walked5. felt
6. mocked6. went

B. Write six words of your own. Remember, the words should end with ‘-ed’. One has been done for you:

Answer :

1. Laughed.

2. Danced.

3. Played.

4. Smiled.

5. Learned.

6. Loved.

Activity – 5

Look at the chart below. Work in groups. Frame as many sentences as you can. One has been done for you: 

Answer :

1. I can dance well.

2. We can do the work.

3. Sabina can sing a song.

4. Sabina’s friends can help him.

5. Sabina can dance well.

6. We can dance well.

7. Sabina’s friends can do the work.

8. We can help him. 

9. Sabina can do the work.

Activity – 7

Let’s tick (✔) the correct answer: 

1. A duck eats tiny water animals ( ) fruits( ).

Answer : tiny water animals.

2. An egret eats hares ( ) fish ( ).

Answer : fish.

3. A hornbill eats lizards ( ) water plants( ). 

Answer : water plants.

4. An eagle eats hares ( ) fruits ( ). 

Answer : hares.

5. A mynah eats grasshoppers ( ) snakes ( ).

Answer : grasshoppers.

6. A bulbul eats squirrels ( ) insects ( ). 

Answer : insects.

Activity – 8

Let’s find the names of these birds from the help box: 

Help Box – Peacock, Parrot, Crow, Owl, Sparrow

Answer :

1. Parrot 

2. Sparrow

3. Crow 

4. Owl 

5. Peacock

Activity – 10

Match and write five sentences about birds. One is done for you: 

Answer :

1. Birds build nests.

2. Birds eat harmful worms and save corn.

3. Birds sing sweet notes. 

4. Birds lay eggs.

5. Birds carry the seeds of a tree from one place to another. 

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