I Love Nature Question Answer | UP Board Class 7 English Chapter 17 Solution

Uttar Pradesh Board Class 7 English Lesson 17 “I Love Nature” poem question and answer is given in this page. You can read and download the solutions of the comprehension, word power topics from here which has been prepared thoroughly by our experienced teachers.

Comprehension Questions

Question 1.

Answer the following questions:

(1) What is the poem about?

Answer : The poem explores the poet’s affection for nature and everything surrounding him.

(2) How does the poet express his love for nature in the first stanza?

Answer : The poet expresses his adoration for the melodies of birds and the sounds of newborn puppies, especially in the early morning hours.

(3) Which shade does the poet love during rain?

Answer : The poet admires every shade of gray that emerges during the rain.

(4) What are the things that the poet loves at night?

Answer : The poet enjoys the sounds created by crickets and other nocturnal creatures.

(5) List the things whose sounds are enjoyed by the poet?

Answer : The poet enjoys the sound of:

1) Puppies shortly after birth.

2) The wind rustling through trees.

3) Waves crashing upon the sand.

4) Crickets and other nocturnal creatures.

(6) Whom does the poet thank when he lay down to sleep?

Answer : The poet expresses gratitude to the Lord before lying down to sleep.

Word Power Solution

Question 1.

Read the poem carefully and match the senses in column ‘A’ with the connecting functions or activity in column ‘B’:

Answer :

sightbeauty of bright and sunny day
smellfragrance of flower
tastesweetness of honey
touchsmoothness of sea shell
hearsound of puppies

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