Water Question Answer | Butterfly Class 3 English Lesson 5 Solution

Read WB Board Class 3 English Butterfly Lesson 5 Water Solution at www.wbboardsolution.com. Find the solution for the Butterfly English Book of West Bengal Primary Board Class 3 Chapter 5 Activity Questions in this post.

Activity – 1 Question Answer

We use water for many purposes. Let’s make a list of these.

Answer :

1. Bathing

2. Farming

3. Washing

4. Cooking

5. Drinking

Activity – 2

Which among these do not need water to exist? Circle them.

Answer :

a) doll

b) tree

c) bottle 

d) man 

e) dog 

f) table 

g) fish 

h) bird 

Activity – 3 Solution

Let’s rearrange the jumbled letters to make meaningful words:

1) haws –

Answer : wash.

2) ertaw –

Answer : water.

3) dpon –

Answer : pond.

4) habet –

Answer : bathe.

5) erte –

Answer : tree.

Activity – 4

Let’s fill in the blanks with the words formed in Activity 3 : 

1) ___________ is life for us. 

Answer : Water.

2) We _____________ our clothes with water.

Answer : wash.

3) We can get water from the ____________ .

Answer : pond.

4) ____________ welcomes rain.

Answer : Tree.

5) Everyday we __________ with water.

Answer : bathe.

Activity – 5 

Match Table A with Table B. One is done for you: 

Answer :

Table ATable B
a) tree3) rain
b) farmer 4) crop 
c) factory1) chemicals
d) snow5) mountain 
e) garbage2) pollution 

Activity – 6

Pick the odd one out and circle it with a color pencil : 

1. lake, river, pump, pond 

Answer : pump.

2. cloud, sky, sun, grass 

Answer : grass.

3. man, girl, child, tree

Answer : tree.

4. drinking, washing, playing, bathing

Answer : playing.

5. fire, snow, mountain, ice 

Answer : fire.

Activity – 7

Put a tick mark (✔) besides those natural objects that you have seen. 

Answer : A tree, A mountain, Cloud, A river,

Activity – 8

Let’s select the words from the previous page and fill in the blanks:

1. It is good to drink __________ water.

Answer : pure.

2. Rain in June is a __________ event.

Answer : natural.

3. Mr Roy is a _____________ man.

Answer : simple.

4. We must have some ____________ habits.

Answer : healthy.

5. We live in a ___________ country.

Answer : free.

Activity – 9

Let’s fill in the blanks with the words in brackets:

1. He ________ the book on the table. (put) 

Answer : puts.

2. She _________ at the picture. (look) 

Answer : looks.

3. Bobby __________ his breakfast at 7 a.m. (take)

Answer : takes.

4. Bidisha _________ to eat mangoes. (like) 

Answer : likes.

5. The boy ___________ very fast. (run) 

Answer : runs.

Activity – 10

Here is a list of words. Study them.

garbage, pollution, waste, factories, chemicals, diseases, dirty, drains, river, man.

With the help of above words write four sentences on how water is polluted. one is done for you.

Answer :

1. Water is polluted by chemicals from factories.

2. Factories discharge chemicals into rivers, polluting the water.

3. Garbage dumped into drains contaminates nearby rivers.

4. Pollution from industrial waste harms aquatic ecosystems.

5. Chemicals from agriculture contribute to river pollution.

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