The Rebel Poet Question Answer – Class 5 English Chapter 7 Solution

WB Board Class 5 English Chapter 7 The Rebel Poet Solution – West Bengal Board Class 5 English Book Question Answer from Lesson 7 is provided here. The Rebel Poet Solution from Class 5 WBBSE English Book Chapter 7 has been prepared by experienced teachers, which will definitely benefit you in your exam.

The Rebel Poet - Class 5 English - Chapter 7 Solution

Activity 1 Solution

Complete the following questions:

(a) Pritam was to sing the song ____________________.

Answer: ‘Karar Oi louha Kopat’

(b) Nazrul was born in ______________________________.

Answer: the village of Churulia on 24th May 1899

(c) Burdwan district is in ____________________________.

Answer: West Bengal

Activity 2 Solution

Answer the following questions:

(a) Was India independent when Nazrul was born?

Answer: No, he was born at a time when India was under British rule.

(b) Name some of the folk plays that young Nazrul had written.

Answer: Some of the folk plays that young Nazrul had written are “ Daata Karna” and “Kabi Kalidasa”.

(c) Who was Nazrul’s teacher?

Answer: Nibran Chandra Ghatak was Nazrul’s teacher.

(d) Who was Kumad Raanjan Mullick?

Answer: Kumad Ranjan Mullick was the Headmaster of the school Nazrul joined next.

Activity 3 Solution

Tick(√) the right answer:

(i) His poems inspired the youth

(a) To fight the British

(b) To help the British

(c) To talk to the British

Answer: (a) To fight the British

(ii) A poem that he wrote was

(a) Kheya Parer Tarani

(b) Prashna

(c) Bodh

Answer: (a) Kheya Parer Tarani

(iii) Nazrul was called

(a) the fiery poet

(b) the rebel poet

(c) the inspired poet

Answer: (b) the rebel poet

Activity 4 Solution

Write T for true and F for false statements in the given boxes:

(a) Nazrul was born when India was still under the British rule.

Answer: T

(b) Nazrul was not attracted to folk theatre.

Answer: F

(c) In school, Nazrul met the great poet Kumud Ranjan Mullick.

Answer: T

(d) Nazrul served the Indian army under the British rule.

Answer: T

(e) Nazrul fasted for thirty days.

Answer: F

Activity 5 Solution

Fill in the chart information from the text:

1910Answer: Najrul met the revolutionary Nibaran Chandara Ghatak
Answer: 1920The regiment was disbanded
1922Answer: Nazrul started a magazine ‘Dhumketu’
Answer: 1923Nazrul was released from jail

Activity 6 Solution

Answer the following questions:

(a) Who inspired Nazrul to write poems?

Answer: Kumud Ranjan inspired Nazrul to write poems.

(b) Why did Nazrul have to leave the army?

Answer: Nazrul had to depart from the army in 1920 as the regiment was disbanded following the conclusion of the First World War.

(c) In which magazine was the poem Anandamoyeer Agamone published?

Answer: The poem “Anandamoyeer Agamone” appeared in the literary magazine ‘Dhumketu.’

(d) Why did Nazrul start fasting?

Answer: Nazrul began fasting as a form of protest against the British’s acts of torture.

Activity 7(a) Solution

Underline the adverbs in the following sentences. Group them under ‘Adverb of manner’; Adverb of time’ and ‘Adverb of place’ :

(1) Now I will go to school.

Answer: Now

(2) He sat beside me.

Answer: beside

(3) He will watch a play tomorrow.

Answer: tomorrow

(4) She eagerly waited for the result.

Answer: eagerly

(5) The train moved slowly out of the station.

Answer: slowly

(6) We won the match yesterday.

Answer: yesterday

(7) Come here.

Answer: here

(8) I shall gladly do it.

Answer: gladly

Activity 7(b) Solution

Let’s classify the adverbs in the following chart:

Adverb of TimeAdverb of MannerAdverb  of Place
Answer: NowAnswer: eagerlyAnswer: Beside
Answer: TomorrowAnswer: slowlyAnswer: Here
Answer: YesterdayAnswer: gladly

Activity 8 Solution

Let’s learn how to paint pots.

(i) A pot is bought.

(ii) It is washed with water.

(iii) It is washed with water.

(iv) It is painted.

(v) Polish is applied to make the surface shiny.

Answer: At first, a pot is bought. Then, it is washed with water. Next, it is dried in the sun. Thereafter, it is painted. At last, polish is applied to make the surface shiny.

Activity 9 Solution

Write eight sentences about the childhood of Rabindranath Tagore. Here are some points:


The Childhood of Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore was born on May 8, 1986. He didn’t go to regular school; instead, teachers came to his home. Aghore taught him math. In his verandah, he played with sticks, pretending to be a teacher with the railing bars as his students. Eventually, he became one of the world’s greatest poets.

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