A Feat On Feet Question Answer – Class 5 English Chapter 2 Solution

West Bengal Board Class 5 English Book Chapter 2 A Feat on Feet Solution – WB Board Class 5 Chapter 2 Question Answers have been given in this page. A Feat on Feet Solution Class 5 will help you in your exams of WBBSE Unit Test and Annual Exams. So read the solutions of the Class 5 Lesson 2 Activity Questions and prepare for your exam confidently.

A Feat On Feet - Class 5 English - Chapter 2 Solution

Activity 1 Solution

Let’s find out :

What happened on May 29, 1953? Follow the given sequence and describe:

4 a.m. ………………………………………………………..

Answer: Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay awoke and got ready for their climb.

6.30 a.m. …………………………………………………..

Answer: They left their camp for their climb.

11.30 a.m. ………………………………………………….

Answer: They reached the summit of Mt. Everest.

11.45 a.m. ………………………………………………….

Answer: They made their way back down the mountain.

Activity 2(a) Solution

Find out the names of glaciers from the route-map of Hillary and Tenzing. Work in Groups . One is done for you :

(1) East Rongbuk Glacier


(2) Khumbu Glacier

(3) Kangshung Glacier

Activity 2(b) Solution

Arrange the glaciers from north to south. One is done for you :

(1) East Rongbuk Glacier


(2) Khumbu Glacier

(3) Kangshung Glacier

Activity 3 Solution

Let’s answer the following questions:

(a) Who was the leader of the British Everest expedition of 1953?

Answer: Colonel John Hunt was the leader of the British Everest expedition of 1953.

(b) How many climbers were chosen for the expedition?

Answer: Eleven climbers were chosen for the expedition.

(c) How many climbers got the chance to climb to the top?

Answer: Four climbers got the chance to climb to the top.

(d) Who were the members of the first team?

Answer: Tom Bourdillon and Charles Evans were the members of the first team.

Activity 4 Solution

Let’s complete the following sentences:

(a) The oldest woman to climb Mt. Everest is …………………………..

Answer: Anna Czerwinska

(b) She climbed at the age of …………………………..

Answer: 50

(c) The youngest Indian to climb Mt. Everest is …………………………..

Answer: Arjun Vajpai

(d) He climbed on …………………………..

Answer: 20th May, 2011

Activity 5 Solution

Now classify the nouns and fill in the table . One is done for you :

Name of PersonName of PlaceName of Things
Answer: Edmund HillaryAnswer: IndiaAnswer: Boots
Answer: Tenzing NorgayAnswer: Mt. EverestAnswer: Glacier
Answer: Colonel HuntAnswer: ChinaAnswer: Rope

Activity 6 Solution

Let’s classify the following words into Common Nouns and Proper Nouns:

Common Noun Proper Noun
Answer: MotherAnswer: Pinky
Answer: SpaceAnswer: Ravi
Answer: BookAnswer: Soyuz T-11
Answer: Rakesh
Answer: Kalpana
Answer: Columbia
Answer: India
Answer: USA
Answer: Haryana
Answer: California
Answer: Barun
Answer: Osman

Activity 7(a) Solution

Let’s Identify the words signifying masculine and feminine gender in the passage:

Answer: Once upon a time, there lived a powerful kingHe had a beautiful garden. In it, there were flower trees beside a lake. Bees came and sat on the flowers. Peacocks danced in the garden. A goose swam in the lake. Drones flew about in the garden. The queen loved the garden. In the evening, she sat there and watched the peahens picking at the grains. A gander glided on the water.

Activity 7(b) Solution

Write the Masculine Gender with the corresponding Feminine Gender in the table . One is done for you :


Masculine GenderFeminine Gender

Activity 8 Solution

Write five sentences describing the route map of Tenzing and Hillary. One is done for you :


Hillary and Tenzing started their final climb at 6.30 a.m.

They crossed the Pokalda Peak and went north to reach Khumbu Glacier.

Then, they turned east to reach Lho Pass.

From there they went straight and crossed the Western CWM and reached the southern summit.

After crossing the southern summit they reached the top of Mt. Everest at 11.30 a.m.

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