The Poetry of Earth Questions & Answers | Class 12 | Poem Solution

The Poetry of Earth Poem Questions & Answers of Class 12 English MCQ, Long & Short Question Solution: “The Poetry of Earth” is written by John Keats. The poem asserts that nature’s music never stops, celebrating the beauty and harmony of nature’s noises throughout the seasons.

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We have given the MCQ, Short & Long questions and answers of The Poetry of Earth. The solutions of these questions are prepared by experienced teachers of our team

MCQ & Solution:

1) In the poem, ‘The Poetry of Earth, the poetry symbolizes –

Answer : music .

2) The birds in summer –

Answer : Hide in cooling trees .

3) In the octave of “The Poetry of Earth” Keats celebrates the music of –

Answer : Summer .

4) The birds hide in –

Answer : cooling tress .

5) Whose sound is heard from hedge to hedge ?

Answer : Grasshopper .

Short Question Answer:

1) Where was the grasshopper seen in summer?

Answer : During the summer, the grasshopper was spotted among the hedges and beneath the weeds.

2) What does the grasshopper do when it is tired?

Answer : When fatigued, the grasshopper finds relaxation beneath a comfortable weed.

3) What makes the warmth ever increasing ? 

Answer : The combination of the cricket’s melody and the stove’s heat steadily amplifies the warmth.

4) Where will the voice of the grasshopper run?

Answer : The grasshopper’s chirp will travel from one hedge to another across the freshly mown meadow.

5) What seasons do the grasshopper and the cricket symbolize?

Answer : The Grasshopper represents summer, while the Cricket embodies winter.

Long Questions Answers

1) Explain the title “The Poetry of Earth“.

Answer : In his sonnet “The Poetry of Earth,” eminent English poet Keats succinctly conveys the idea that the earth’s symphony never ends. Although Keats emphasizes the humming sounds of the cricket and the grasshopper, he does not completely ignore other natural melodies. Some well-known natural tunes, though, might not be available in inclement weather. And yet the earth’s symphony continues even then. The sweet buzzing of grasshoppers on a hot summer day and the resonant chirrups of crickets by a hearth on a wintry, bleak winter’s night are both audible.

2) Identify the voices of the ‘Poetry of Earth’. How does Keats establish its continuity through its voices?

Answer : In Keats’ sonnet “The Poetry of Earth,” the voices representing nature are those of the grasshopper and the cricket.

Keats illustrates a perpetual rhythm of the earth’s poetry through the melodies of the grasshopper during summer and the cricket during winter. Despite nature’s challenges, the grasshopper persists in its song while other creatures succumb to the scorching sun. Similarly, in the icy grip of winter, when life becomes harsh, the sharp chirps of the cricket bring warmth to the earth.

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