The Last Lesson Short Question Answer; Very Short Solution PDF Download

The Last Lesson Short & Very Short Question Answer (Class 12) – Download NCERT ‘The Last Lesson‘ Chapter Extra Questions and Answers for your upcoming Exam Preparation in PDF. The Last Lesson – is a story “The Last Lesson” is a story written by Alphonse Daudet, a Novelist which depicts the sad last time a French teacher giving a French lesson in a village taken over by Germans.

the last lesson short and very short questions and answers

Let us explore some important Short & Very Short Questions and their Solutions for your upcoming exam of Class 12. The Last Lesson Prose is in Chapter 1 of the NCERT Class 12 English Text Book Flamingo.

The Last Lesson Very Short Questions Answers

(1) What is the name of the blacksmith in “The Last Lesson”?

Answer : The blacksmith mentioned in “The Last Lesson” was named Wachter.

(2) Which birds are mentioned in the story ?

Answer : The pigeons are mentioned in the story.

(3) Who was M. Hamel ?

Answer : M. Hamel taught the French language.

(4) How the people of Alsace would guard the Franch language?

Answer : They would converse in the French language to protect it.

(5) What is the name of the river mentioned in “The Last Lesson”?

Answer : The river’s name is the Saar.

(6) What did old Hauser bring with him for school on that day ?

Answer : On that day, Old Hauser brought an old primer to school.

(7) What was the teacher wearing that day ?

Answer : A lovely green coat, a frilled shirt, and a small black silk cap, all adorned with embroidery.

(8) Where the new copies hung in the schoolroom?

Answer : The new copies were suspended from the rod positioned at the top of the desks.

Short Question Answer

(1) What changes came over little Franz after he heard M.Hamel’s announcement?

Answer : As M. Hamel declared their final French class, a harsh truth struck Franz: his grasp of the language was lacking, and now he faced losing the chance to improve. Overwhelmed with guilt for neglecting his studies and skipping school, the thought of losing his teacher, M. Hamel, weighed heavily on him.

(2) What did M. Hamel observe there at last?

Answer : Finally, M. Hamel gazed around the room, his eyes flitting from one detail to another, seemingly intent on etching the image of the little schoolroom into his memory.

(3) “What a thunderclap these words were to me!” – Which were the words that shocked and surprised Franz?

Answer : When M. Hamel ascended the chair and declared that it would be his final French lesson, Franz was taken aback and filled with surprise. He experienced a profound sense of guilt for purposefully neglecting to learn his mother tongue, and a peculiar newfound appreciation for both his language and his school arose within him.

(4) Did Franz recite the participles? How? 

Answer : No, Franz didn’t recite the participles because when it was his turn to recite the participle rule, he stumbled over the first few words.

(5) Why was the lesson called the last lesson ?

Answer : The directive from Berlin mandated that only German be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new instructor was expected to arrive the following day. Consequently, M. Hamel was preparing to deliver the final French lesson to the students, hence why it was referred to as the “last lesson.”

(6) What was Hamel’s reaction when Franz could not answer his question in class, correctly?

Answer : Franz trembled at the thought of Mr. Hamel’s reaction to his inability to answer the question, his heart pounding as he avoided meeting the teacher’s gaze. However, Mr. Hamel surprised him by reassuring Franz that he wouldn’t scold him, attributing the struggle with French to a broader issue among French citizens in their proficiency with their own language.

(7) What would Franz love to do on that sunny morning instead of going to school?

Answer : He longed to spend the day outdoors, perhaps searching for birds’ eggs or gliding down the Saar on that sunny morning, rather than attending school.

(8) How can you say that M Hamel was devoted to his work as a teacher ? 

Answer : On his final day at the school, he diligently led each lesson to its conclusion. He meticulously taught the rules of grammar and assigned writing tasks to the young children in their notebooks. He made full use of every minute, devoting the entire day to teaching.

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