Seeing Eyes Helping Hands Question Answer | Maharashtra Board Class 7 Chapter 1.5 English Solution

Maharashtra Board Class 7 English Balbharati Book Chapter 1.5 Question Answer Seeing Eyes Helping Hand Solution

(1) This passage contains four different types of invitations. They are:

(A) A formal invitation

(B) A notice

(C) An oral invitation

(D) Another oral invitation

Read each invitation carefully, keeping in mind the list of eight questions given below. Note the answer in your notebook, Verify that the formal invitation ‘A’ covers all the eight points.

(1) Who is sending/giving the information?

Answer : The principal of New Vision High School is disseminating the information/invitation to all seventh-grade students and their parents as well.

(2) What is the programme?

Answer : The event is the inauguration of the project called “Seeing Eyes, Helping Hands.”

(3) What is the name of the project?

Answer : The project is named “Seeing Eyes, Helping Hands.”

(4) Who will inaugurates it?

Answer : Smt. Vimala Naik, former Principal of New Vision High School and President of Sahayak Samaj, will inaugurate it.

(5) Who will preside over the function?

Answer : Dr. A.M. Chaudhary, Dean of New Life Medical College and Hospital, will preside over the function.

(6) What time will the function start?

Answer : The function will commence from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM on Sunday, July 9th, 2017.

(7) Where will it take place?

Answer : The event will be held in the Assembly Hall at New Vision High School, located off Main Street in Girgaon.

(8) How many names get mentioned in the invitation?

Answer : Dr. A.M. Chaudhary, Dean, Smt. Vimala Naik, Suhasini Ambedkar, Komap Shelar, Nitin Valke, V.S. Ajinkya.

(2) Prepare a formal invitation for a function you have arranged at home. It should clearly state the following points:

Who is inviting people to the function

The date and time

A police request to attend the function

What the programme is

The venue (The place where the function will take place)

Answer :

Please join us for a

20th Birthday


Rakesh Das

Hello everyone, I hope you’re fine. You all must be knowing I have my birthday on 24th February. So I am inviting you all to attend my birthday party. So please attend my party.

Time – Friday, 24th February

At 8’O clock

Venue – At my residence, House No – 233

Amyur Bihar, Sector 45

Hosted by

Rakesh Das

(3) Write an imaginary telephone conversation in which you invite your friend to the above function.

Answer :

Me: “Hey, Sarah! How’s everything going?”

Sarah: “Hey! Everything’s good, just busy with work. What’s up?”

Me: “I wanted to tell you about this event happening next Sunday at New Vision High School. It’s the inauguration of a new project called ‘Seeing Eyes, Helping Hands.’ Would you be interested in joining me?”

Sarah: “That sounds interesting! What’s it about?”

Me: “It’s all about community involvement and making a difference. I think you’d really enjoy it. It’s from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Can I count on you to come with me?”

Sarah: “Absolutely! I’d love to be there. Thanks for inviting me!”

Me: “Great! I’ll pick you up around 9:30 AM. Looking forward to it!”

(4) Imagine someone has invited you family to a programme and you were the only person at home. When the invitation were given orally. Write a note (4 – 5) line to pass on the massage to the other people in your family. Or, write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message your parents.

Answer : A note/ Date – 27. 02 2023

I write a note about an invitation of Rehana’s birthday celebration at Sorojini palace. I get this Information directly from his Mother. While all of you had gone out today. The party will held on date – 09/03/2019. We will go for her birthday and the whole family is invited.

Love you all and wish you a good time.


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