Othello Question Answer | Class 11 English Solution

Othello Class 11 English Text Book Question Answer Download PDF – West Bengal Board Class 11 English Text Book Solution of MCQ, SAQ, LAQ are given below.


1) Brabantio was –

Answer : the rich Senator of Venice .

2) Who said, “Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.”?

Answer : Othello .

3) Othello murder Desdemona by – 

Answer : Stifling her death .

4) The Turks had prepared to invade – 

Answer : Cyprus .

5) What pattern is embroidered on the handkerchief?

Answer : Strawberries .

Descriptive Type Questions :

1) Why did Othello decide to kill his wife and himself ?

Answer : Othello decides to kill his wife, Desdemona, and himself in Shakespeare’s “Othello” due to manipulative deceit by Iago. Iago, exploiting Othello’s insecurities about his marriage and jealousy, convinces him that Desdemona has been unfaithful with Cassio. Overwhelmed by a sense of betrayal and consumed by jealousy, Othello becomes convinced that killing Desdemona is a just act. He believes it is a way to restore his honor and punish her for alleged infidelity. The tragic decision reflects the destructive consequences of unchecked jealousy and Iago’s cunning manipulation, ultimately leading to a devastating and remorseful end for Othello.

2) Discuss how Othello’s love for Desdemona changed into mistrust in the story.

Answer : Othello’s love for Desdemona undergoes a profound transformation into mistrust due to Iago’s manipulation in Shakespeare’s “Othello.” Initially deeply in love, Othello becomes vulnerable to Iago’s insinuations about Desdemona’s faithfulness. Iago exploits Othello’s insecurities about his race and social status, gradually planting seeds of doubt. Othello’s trust erodes as Iago cunningly presents fabricated evidence and manipulates his perceptions. Overwhelmed by jealousy, Othello’s love turns into suspicion, leading to tragic consequences. The tragic shift illustrates the destructive power of unfounded jealousy and the devastating impact of Iago’s deceit on Othello’s once-strong love for Desdemona.

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