Nature Created Man & Woman as Equals Question Answer: Chapter 2.2 Class 8 English Solution

Nature Created Man & Woman as Equals Solutions – Maharashtra Board Balbharati Class 8 English Chapter 2.2 Questions and Answers.

As per the Text Book Questions, we have given the solutions to the Short & MCQs. Read and practice the questions for your upcoming exam.

(1) (A) Find from the lesson words / phrases that mean the following.

(a) colors

Answer : Hues.

(b) a person who writes for newspapers/magazines

Answer : Journalist.

(c) make a difference between

Answer : Discriminate.

(d) cry over

Answer : Lament.

(e) explain in detail

Answer : Throw light on.

(f) abilities and qualities

Answer : Potential.

(g) same availability

Answer : Opportunities/equal access.

(h) a person who brings about a social/political change

Answer : Activist.

(B) Pick out five Compound words from the lesson.

Answer :

(i) Reading room, (2) Grand mother (3) Household (4) Social worker (5) Middle aged (6) crystal clear.

(2) (A) Read and write down 5 points which prove that Tomba, (Lanthoi’s father) firmly believes in gender equality.

Answer :

(i) Tomba is a supportive husband who backs his wife’s endeavors.

(ii) He is a social worker who champions women’s rights.

(iii) He does not differentiate between tasks typically assigned to men and those typically assigned to women.

(iv) He equally shares household chores such as cleaning, washing, cooking, and feeding children with his wife.

(v) He informs Lanthai that the world is still rife with inequalities, and they must endeavor to achieve gender equality.

(B) In what ways is Ashangbi different from other women of her community?

Answer : Ashangbi stands out among the women of her community because her husband treats her equally, takes pride in her, recognizes her formalist and women’s rights activist roles, all stemming from his love for the family.

(3) Who said to whom and when / why?

nature created man and woman as equals questions answers download pdf solution maharashtra board

Answer :

Who said?To whom?When / why?
…..the world is full of inequalities.TombaLanthoiWhen he explains to her gender equality.
I want to do something interesting.LanthoishangbiShe wants to have a discussion.
It is against the will of God.AshangbiLanthoiWhen she explains the meaning of the topic.
Our home is full of love….LanthoiAshangbiWhen she understands her mother is not of lesser quality than her father.
…… we can affirm along with United Nations that men and women are equal.AshangbiLarthoiWhen lanthoi wants to know if there are provisions for women. Empowerment.

(4) Underline the Pronouns in the following sentences and name their types:

(1) What do you want to do?

Answer : What- Interrogative Pronoun.

You- Personal Pronoun.

(2) It is because of your father that I feel no inequality.

Answer : Your and I – Personal Pronouns.

(3) This is what your topic means.

Answer : This – Demonstrative Pronoun.

Your – Personal Pronoun.

(4) She is fascinated by the small trail, which winds up the mountain.

Answer : She – personal Pronoun.

Which – Relative Pronoun.

(5) Read the following lines. Imagine it is the beginning of an instance you have experienced. Complete the incident using your imagination. Give it a positive ending.

Answer : I had often noticed my neighbor’s son being showered with attention, while their daughter seemed neglected and left out. It bothered me deeply to see such unfair treatment. One day, I gathered my courage and spoke to their parents about it. They listened with understanding and promised to make changes. Over time, I observed a positive shift in their family dynamics. Both children started receiving equal love and attention, creating a happier and more harmonious household.

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