The Echoing Green Question Answer – Class 7 English Chapter 10 Solution

WB Board Class 7 English Book Chapter 10 The Echoing Green Solution – WB Board The Echoing Green Question Answer from Class 7 English Text Book Blossoms from Chapter Lesson 10 is given here. The Echoing Green is Written by William Blake. Here we have provided solution of the activity questions present in the text book.

The Echoing Green - Class 7 English - Chapter 10 Solution

Activity 1 Solution

Put a tick mark to choose the correct word/ expressions from given alternatives:

(a) The sun makes the sky

(i) sad

(ii) happy

(iii) excited

Answer: (ii) happy

(b) The merry bells welcome the

(i) spring

(ii) autumn

(iii) winter

Answer: (i) spring

(c) Old John has

(i) back hair

(ii) brown hair

(iii) white hair

Answer: (iii) white hair

(d) The old men are sitting under

(i) a tree

(ii) an umbrella

(iii) a canopy

Answer: (i) a tree

(e) In the evening the children come to the laps of their

(i) mother

(ii) father

(iii) aunt

Answer: (i) mother

Activity 2 Solution

Complete the following sentences with information from the poem:

(a) The birds of the bush sing to the_____________________________________.

Answer: bell’s cheerful sound

(b) Old John sits among _______________________________________________.

Answer: the old folk

(c) The sport of the children remands the old men of their_______________________.

Answer: youth-time

(d) The children are tired when _________________________________________.

Answer: the sun descends

(e) in the evening the sports of the children _______________________________.

Answer: come to an end

Activity 3 Solution

Answer the following questions:

(a) Which are the two birds in the poem ?

Answer: This poem references two birds: the skylark and the thrush.

(b) Who is sitting under the oak?

Answer: Under the oak, Old John sits.

(c) Pick out expression from the poem to show that old men are happy to see the children playing.

Answer: The Expression in the poem is – “They laugh at our play”.

(d) What do the children do when evening descends ?

Answer: As evening descends, children halt their play.

Activity 4 Solution

Use can, could, should, would and might to fill in the blanks:

(a) _______________ I use your phone ?

Answer: could

(b) She _________ be in her bedroom.

Answer: might

(c) The programme __________ be finished by now.

Answer: should

(d) She __________ send hours in the library.

Answer: would

(e) He ______________ run fast.

Answer: can

Activity 6 Solution

There are some habits which people can stop if they wish. Mention four such habits in the given space. Use the word ‘can’ while writing each sentence. One is done for you.

(1) People can stop smoking if they make a firm decision to do so.

(2) Answer: People can avoid eating too many sweets.

(3) Answer: People can decide not to interrupt others while they talk.

(4) Answer: People can stop leaving things for tomorrow and start being organized today.

Activity 7(a) Solution

Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

therefore, here , carefully, fluently, tomorrow

1. He crossed the road ………………………… .

Answer: carefully

2. My uncle will arrive …………………………. .

Answer: tomorrow

3. Wait ………………………… for sometimes.

Answer: here

4. She speaks …………………………………… .

Answer: fluently

5. He is …………………………… unhappy.

Answer: therefore

Activity 7(b) Solution

Some more words are given below. Fill in the blanks choosing appropriate words from these. Note that some extra words are given.

completely, happily, quite, closely, partly, rather, deeply

(1) Her words are ……………………….. true.

Answer: quite

(2) The man is ……………………….. ruined.

Answer: completely

(3) The old man walks ………………….. slowly.

Answer: rather

(4) He was …………………….. moved by the incident.

Answer: deeply

(5) The girl is …………………… lovable.

Answer: closely

Activity 8 Solution

There are two blanks in each sentence. There are some words given in the list of words. Use the same words to fill both blanks of a sentence.

Friendly, early, fast

(a) Though he is an ___________ rise, he never starts _____________ for the station.

Answer: early

(b) He likes ____________ cars, but he never drives ________________.

Answer: fast

(c) Though he has a _______________ smile, he doesn’t always behave in a _____________ manner.

Answer: Friendly

Activity 9 Solution

Fill in the blanks with words from the given list of words:

loud, cheerful, joy, weary, lap

(a) She made the announcement in a very ________________ manner

Answer: cheerful

(b) The champion team was team overwhelmed with _________________

Answer: joy

(c) A mother’s ___________________ is the best shelter in the world.

Answer: lap

(d) He spoke in a ___________ voice so that everyone could hear him.

Answer: loud

(e) The man looked _______________ at the end of the day.

Answer: weary

Activity 10 Solution

Write a short rhyme expressing your love for nature. Work in pairs.


Nature’s hug makes my heart light,
Birds and trees, a lovely sight.
Sunshine warm, a gentle breeze,
Nature’s love, puts my mind at ease.
Flowers bloom, colors so bright,
In nature’s arms, everything’s right.

We are hoping that the solution provided for the The Echoing Green Chapter 10 English Class VII Questions have fulfilled your requirements.

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