Deep Water Short Question Answer; NCERT Class 12 Solutions Download PDF

NCERT Class 12 English Text Book Flamingo “Deep Water” Short & Very Short Question & Answer Download PDF – Deep Water is a Prose which is in the Lesson 3 of the Book and the story is written by William Douglas.

ncert class 12 Deep Water Short and very short Question Answer download pdf

Very Short Question Answer

(1) Who continually warned the narrator against the river ?

Answer : The mother continually warned the narrator against the river.

(2) For how many years had the author taught in high school in Yakima?

Answer : 2 years had the author taught in high school in Yakima.

(3) Which option indicates that the poet lost consciousness?

Answer : ‘I crossed to oblivion’ indicates that the poet lost consciousness.

(4) Where did the author go in order to overcome his fear of water ?

Answer : Lake Went worth in new Hampshire the author go in order to overcome his fear of water.

(5) Who had pulled him in the swimming pool ?

Answer : A teenager who might be 18 years old.

(6) What is the central theme of the story Deep Water?

Answer : Victory in facing the fear is the central theme of the story Deep Water.

(7) What distance Douglas covered while swimming across the lake Went worth ?

Answer : Two miles Douglas covered while swimming across the lake Went worth.

(8) Which of these BEST describes the narrator’s relationship with his fear?

Answer : hostile BEST describes the narrator’s relationship with his fear.

Short Question Answer

(1) Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?

Answer : Douglas was determined to conquer his fear of water, which had spoiled his fishing trips and prevented him from enjoying water activities such as canoeing, boating, and swimming. He resolved to find an instructor and learn to swim in order to overcome his fear.

(2) What did Douglas experience as he went down to the bottom of the pool for the first time?

Answer : When the big boy threw him into the deep end of the pool, Douglas sank slowly towards the bottom. To him, the nine-foot depth felt much deeper. Before reaching the bottom, he felt like his lungs were about to burst. Despite the fear, he kept calm and tried to jump up as high as he could.

(3) Mention any two long term consequences of the drowning incident on Douglas.

Answer : Since the drowning incident, Douglas was always terrified around water. He couldn’t enjoy activities like canoeing, boating, swimming, or fishing anymore. Fear consumed him, spoiling his holidays.

(4) Why does Douglas say: ‘The Instructor was finished. But I was not finished?’ How did he overpower remnants of the old terror?

Answer : Once the Instructor taught Douglas to swim, his job was done. However, Douglas still felt unhappy because whenever he swam alone, he felt scared again. So, he bravely confronted his fear and swam another length of the pool.

(5) When Douglas realized that he was sinking, how did he plan to save himself?

Answer : When Douglas felt scared because he was sinking, he decided to jump up to the surface. He also thought about lying flat on the water for a bit and then paddling to the pool’s edge.

(6) Why did Douglas’ mother recommend that he should learn swimming at the YMCA swimming pool?

Answer : Douglas’ mother suggested that he learn swimming at the YMCA pool because it was considered safe. The pool’s shallow end was only two to three feet deep, and although it reached a depth of nine feet at the other end, the slope was gentle.

(7) Describe both the physical and emotional impacts that the misadventure at the YMCA pool had on the narrator. 

Answer : The incident at the YMCA pool had two kinds of effects on the narrator in “Deep Water.” Physically, it made his fear stronger, leading to panic and difficulty breathing. Emotionally, it made him feel more insecure and embarrassed, making his fear of water worse. It left lasting scars that made his fear of drowning and failing even stronger.

(8) What two things did Douglas dislike to do?

Answer : Douglas disliked walking into the pool without clothes, feeling embarrassed about his thin legs. Also, he was scared to enter the pool by himself, so he would sit on the pool’s edge and wait for others.

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