It All Began With Drip-Drip Question Answer – Class 6 English Chapter 1 Solution

West Bengal Board Class 6 English Book Chapter 1 It All Began With Drip-Drip Solution – Read all questions answer of WB Board Class 6 English Lesson 1. Find the Solutions of the WB Board “It All Began With Drip-Drip” Class 6 English Chapter 1 from Activity Questions in the below page.

It All Began With Drip-Drip - Class 6 English - Chapter 1 Solution

It All Began With Drip-Drip Solution – Activity Question Answer

Activity NameQuestion Answers
Activity 1 SolutionClick Here
Activity 2 SolutionClick Here
Activity 3 SolutionClick Here
Activity 4 SolutionClick Here
Activity 5 SolutionClick Here
Activity 6 SolutionClick Here
Activity 7 SolutionClick Here
Activity 8(a) SolutionClick Here
Activity 8(b) SolutionClick Here
Activity 8(c) SolutionClick Here
Activity 8(d) SolutionClick Here
Activity 8(e) SolutionClick Here
Activity 8(f) SolutionClick Here
Activity 9 SolutionClick Here
Activity 10(a) SolutionClick Here
Activity 10(b) SolutionClick Here

Activity 1 Solution

Tick the correct alternative:

(a) The tiger took shelter near the house of (i) an old women (ii) an old man (iii) a neighbor.

Answer: (i) an old women

(b) The old women was (i) soft-spoken (ii) ill-tempered (iii) shy.

Answer: (ii) ill-tempered

(c) The tiger thought drip-drip was (i) the constant falling of rain (ii) the rain name of man (iii) a creature.

Answer: (iii) a creature

(d) Bholenath was a (i) farmer (ii) weaver (iii) potter.

Answer: (iii) potter

Activity 2 Solution

Rearranges the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes. One is done for you:

(1) She pushed her bed around the room to keep it dry.

Answer: 4

(2) The tiger took shelter outside an old women’s hut.

Answer: 2

(3) Bholenath was looking for his donkey.

Answer: 6

(4) A tiger was caught in a storm.

Answer: 1

(5) Bholenath saw an animal huddled against the wall of the women’s hut.

Answer: 3

(6) The old women was ill-tempered that night.

Answer: 5

Activity 3 Solution

Answer the following question:

What do you think would Bholenath’ reaction be if he knew that the animal ‘huddled in the dark’  was actually a tiger ?

Answer: In the tale titled ‘It All Began With Drip Drip,’ penned by Alka Shankar and Sharleen Mukundan, had Bholenath been aware that the creature concealed in the shadows was, in fact, a tiger, he would have been filled with fear and swiftly fled. There is no way he would have approached the tiger, let alone dare to tug at its ear.

Activity 4 Solution

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) The tiger was frightened because ______________________

Answer: he thought Bholanath must be the terrible drip-drip.

(b) Bholenath’s wife screamed in fear when _____________________

Answer: she discovered the tiger tied to the tree.

(c) Disturbed and confused by the people, the tiger ____________________

Answer: chewed through the rope and ran away into the jungle.

(d) Bholenath announced proudly that _____________________

Answer: he caught the tiger last night and he even pulled its ears too.

Activity 5 Solution

Answer the following questions :

(a) Why did Bholenath bring the tiger home ?

Answer: Bholenath mistakenly thought the tiger as his own donkey.

(b) What made the neighbours come running out of their huts?

Answer: Scream of Bholanath’s wife made everybody come out of their huts.

(c) Why were the villagers relieved ?

Answer: Villagers were relieved when they saw the tiger ran away into the jungle.

(d) How did the king reward Bholenath for his bravery?

Answer: Bholenath and his wife were given a huge house to live in.

Activity 6 Solution

Write ‘T’ for and ‘F’  for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

(a) Bholenath did not know how to ride a horse.

Answer: T

Supporting Statement : “I don’t even know how to ride a horse”, he told his wife helplessly,

(b) The king sent Bholenath a magnificent elephant.

Answer: F

Supporting Statement : the king sent Bholenath a magnificent stallion.

(c) The enemy soldiers were happy to see Bholenath.

Answer: F

Supporting Statement : The enemy soldiers were astonished to see Bholenath.

(d) Bholenath defeated the enemy soldiers single-handedly.

Answer: T

Supporting Statement : Everyone was amazed that he had defended his state all by himself against
eight thousand enemy soldiers.

Activity 7 Solution

Answer the following question in complete sentences:

(a) Why was Bholenath full of despair ?

Answer: Because he saw entrusted with the duty of protection his state against the neighbourning and he didn’t know how to do that.

(b) How did his wife  him to overcome his trouble?

Answer: His wife tied him to the stallion with a tight rope.

(c) What made the enemy solders greatly scared?

Answer: In the story ‘It All Began With Drip Drip’ written by Alka Shankar and Sharleen Mukundan, The enemy soldiers were greatly scared to see a wild-looking man tied to a fierce stallion, waving branches

(d) Do you think Bholenath could truly be called a legendary character? Give reasons for your answer.


No, I don’t think Bholenath could truly be called a legendary character . Because he defeated his enemy soldiers with all his mistakes and confusion he had made.

Activity 8(a) Solution

Read the following sentences. Underline the Nouns which indicate either a state of being or a quality of mind:

(i) The King is known for his kindness.

Answer: The King is known for his kindness.

(ii) The beauty of the flower attracted me.

Answer: The beauty of the flower attracted me.

(iii) Childhood is fun.

Answer: Childhood is fun.

(iv) India attained freedom in 1947.

Answer: India attained freedom in 1947.

Activity 8(b) Solution

Form abstract nouns from the following words:

(i) dark : _____________

Answer: darkness

(ii) adult : _____________

Answer: adulthood

(iii) amaze : _______________

Answer: amazement

(iv) disturb : ________________

Answer: disturbance

(v) confuse : _______________

Answer: confusion

(vi) sweet : ________________

Answer: sweetness

Activity 8(c) Solution

Underline the words that indicate a group of people, animals or things taken as a whole:

(i) I saw a crowd in front of the shop.

Answer: I saw a crowd in front of the shop.

(ii) A herd of cattle is passing by.

Answer: A herd of cattle is passing by.

(iii) Our school cricket team has won.

Answer: Our school cricket team has won.

(iv) A bunch of flowers was kept in the vase.

Answer: A bunch of flowers was kept in the vase.

Activity 8(d) Solution

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collective nouns given in the Help Box. One is done for you:

(i) A posse of policemen marched by.

(ii) I bought a ____________ of grapes from the market.

Answer: I bought a bunch of grapes from the market.

(iii) A _____________ of sheep was grazing in the field.

Answer: A flock of sheep was grazing in the field.

(iv) I saw a _______________ of bees buzzing around.

Answer: I saw a swarm of bees buzzing around.

(v) The _____________ is very noisy.

Answer: The class is very noisy.

Help Box: flock, posse, swarm, bunch, class

Activity 8(e) Solution

Underline the words in the following sentences that can be counted. Circle the the words that cannot be counted:

(i) A am reading a book.

Answer: A am reading a book.

(ii) Iron is a useful metal.

Answer: Iron is a useful metal.

(iii) Snowy is his pet dog.

Answer: Snowy is his pet dog.

(iv) She has long hair.

Answer: She has long hair.

Activity 8(f) Solution

Read the sentences carefully and put the underlined words in the correct columns:

(i) Milk is good for health.

(ii) The door is closed.

(iii) I bought a kilo of sugar from the market.

(iv) Children play with toys.

Countable NounsUncountable Nouns
Answer: doorAnswer: Milk
Answer: marketAnswer: sugar
Answer: children
Answer: toys

Activity 9 Solution

Find words from the text nearest in meaning to the words given below:

(a) kingly

Answer: royal

(b) sorrow

Answer: despair

(c) surprised

Answer: amazed

(d) afraid

Answer: frightened

Activity 10(a) Solution

Imagine you are caught in a storm while returning home one night. Write a short paragraph in about sixty words describing your experience. Use the following hints:

Returning from aunt’s place – sky darkened – wild wind – rain – no one around – how you reached home

Answer: As I journeyed back from my aunt’s place, the ominous night sky suddenly darkened. The wind unleashed its fury, and torrents of rain obscured my path. With no one in sight, I pressed on, guided by the dim glow of distant streetlights, determined to reach the safety of my home through the relentless storm.

Activity 10(b) Solution

Study the family chart given below:


Suppose you are Rima. Your grandfather is Raghunath Jha. Write a short paragraph in about six sentences about your family.

Answer: I am Rima, and my family is deeply rooted in tradition and love. My grandfather, Raghunath Jha, is the patriarch who has instilled in us values of integrity and resilience. My parents, Meera and Rajesh, are the pillars of our household, nurturing us with care and wisdom. I have a younger brother, Aarav, whose boundless energy keeps us all on our toes. Our family gatherings are filled with laughter and delicious homemade meals, strengthening our bonds. Together, we cherish our heritage while embracing the beauty of modernity, creating a harmonious blend in our family’s tapestry.

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