Tales of Bhola Grandpa Question Answer – Class 9 English Chapter 1 Solution

WB Board Class 8 English Book Chapter 1 Solution – Read West Bengal Bengali Medium Class 8 English Textbook Lesson 1 Tales of Bhola Grandpa Exercise & Activity Solution below. The questions are taken from the Activity at the end of each lesson from Class 8 English Text Book.

Tales of Bhola Grandpa - class 9 English - Chapter 1 Solution

Exercise 1 Solution

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1.In the bokal tree there lived

(a) crows

(b) monkeys

(c) tigers

(d) sparrows

Answer: (b) monkeys

2. On the way back the festival, Bhola Grandpa tightly held on to the two fingers of his

(a) son

(b) cousin

(c) grandson

(d) nephew

Answer: (c) grandson

3. A gang of pirates were burying a

(a) large box

(b) small box

(c) large bag

(d) small bag

Answer: (a) large box

4. Bhola Grandpa was returing from the

(a) yearly market

(b) monthly market

(c) daily market

(d) weekly market

Answer: (d) weekly market

5. Bhola Grandpa died at the age of

(a) eighty-five

(b) ninety- five

(c) fifty – five

(d) seventy- five

Answer: (b) ninety- five

Exercise 2 Solution

Answer The following question within fifteen words:

(a) When did Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wall?

Answer: Bhola Grandpa suddenly realized that his grandson was not with him and he had lost him.

(b) Where had the grandson found a cosy shelter?

Answer: The Grandpa’s grandson had found a cosy shelter under a cow’s belly.

(c) What request did Bhola Grandpa make to the first man he saw on the mound ?

Answer: Bhola Grandpa requested the first man he saw to give him some water to drink.

(d) How old was Bhola Grandpa’s wife when he died ?

Answer: Bhola Grandpa’s wife was eighty years old when he died.

Exercise 3 Solution

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(a) Why was real treasure found under the sand dunes?

Answer: It was all a dream that Bhola Grandpa had seen during his midday nap.

(b) What did the tiger do after Bhola Grandpa’s had climed up the banyan tree ?

Answer: Bhola Grandpa climbed a tree, and a tiger circled it about a hundred times, then sat under a bush, keeping a close watch on him.

(c) What was the reason of Bhola Grandpa’s death according to his wife?

Answer: Bhola’s grandpa passed away at ninety-five. His wife grieved, believing he forgot to breathe. She attributed his forgetfulness to his death.

Exercise 4 Solution

Change the mode of narration of the following sentence:

(a) Bulbuli said to friend, “Will you come tomorrow ?”

Answer: Bulbuli asked his friend if he would come the next day.

(b) Paulami says, “ I am fine.”

Answer: Paulami said that she is fine.

(c) The teacher said to the students, “Keep quite.”

Answer: The teacher ordered the students to keep quite.

(d) My mother said to me, “May yours dreams come true.”

Answer: My mother wished me that my dreams might come true.

(e) The student said, “Sir, please allow us t lay in the field, “

Answer: The students requested sir to allow them to play in the field.

Exercise 5 Solution

In each of the sentences of the following passage some articles and prepositions are used in an incorrect manner. Underline them and replace them with the appropriate ones:

Answer: On (an) a winter night I was aboard a boat. It was a moonlit night full (on) of stars. The boat was anchored (up) to a great river. I was thrilled to see (a) the beauty of nature.

Exercise 6 Solution

Write a dialogue within 100 words on the need to ban the use of animals like tigers and lions as circus attractions:


Rohit: Have you heard about the recent push to ban tigers and lions in circuses?

Maya: Yes, it’s about time! Wild animal populations are dwindling, and using them for entertainment is cruel.

Rohit: Absolutely. Circuses often mistreat these animals, confining them in small cages and making them perform tricks. It’s inhumane.

Maya: Many countries have made it a criminal offense, and there are laws against it. We need to protect these awesome creatures.

Rohit: We must prioritize their well-being and conservation over profit and entertainment. It’s time to ban using tigers and lions in circuses for good.

Maya: Couldn’t agree more. Let’s raise awareness about this issue and push for change.

Exercise 7 Solution

Write a story within 100 words using the given hints. Give a title to the story:


Midnight Mishap

As the students were returning from their educational excursion by bus, a sudden breakdown left them stranded in the middle of nowhere. The night journey had taken an unexpected turn when all the bus tires were punctured. They had to wait for two long hours at a desolate, moonlit place, with only their flashlights for comfort. Finally, the tires were fixed, and they resumed their journey. Exhausted but relieved, they arrived back home, grateful for the unexpected lesson in patience and teamwork that the midnight mishap had taught them.

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