Mowgli Among the Wolves Question Answer – Class 7 English Chapter 7 Solution

WB Board Class 7 English Book Chapter 7 Mowgli Among the Wolves Solution – West Bengal Bengali Medium English Class 7 Text Book Blossoms Chapter 7 Question Answers and Activity Solution from Lesson 7 is given in this post.

Mowgli Among the Wolves - Class 7 English - Chapter 7 solution

Activity 1 Solution

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives :

(a) Father Wolf woke up at – (i) sis o’ clock (ii) seven o’ clock (iii) eight o’ clock.

Answer: (ii) seven o’ clock

(b) Tabaqui was name of a – (i) jackal (ii) wolf (iii) tiger.

Answer: (i) jackal

(c) On that that the tiger had hunted a – (i) man (ii) bullock (iii) buck.

Answer: (i) man

Activity 2 Solution

Identify which of the following statements are True and which are false. Give a supporting statements for each of your answers.

(a) Father Wolf woke up early in the morning.

Answer: False

Supporting Statement : It was seven o’clock of a very warm evening in the Seeonee hills. Father Wolf woke up from his day’s rest.

(b) Indian wolves do not like jackals for their mischievous nature.

Answer: True

Supporting Statement : The wolves of India despise Tabaqui because he runs about making mischief…

(c) Tabaqui did not find any food at the wolves’ den.

Answer: False

Supporting Statement : He scuttled to the back of the cave where he found the bone of buck with some meat on it.

(d) The wolf family was all pleased to  hear the compliments.

Answer: True

Supporting Statement : It pleases him to see Mother and Father Wolf look uncomfortable

(e) Sher Khan in the forest areas twenty miles away from the wolves.

Answer: True

Supporting Statement : Sher Khan was the tiger who lived near the Waingunga River, twenty miles away.

Activity 3 Solution

Answer the following questions by referring to the text:

(a) How did father Wolf come out sleepiness?

Answer: Father Wolf scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws one after the other to get rid of the sleepy feeling in their tips.

(b) Why are the animals scared of the jackal?

Answer: The animals are scared of the Jackal because the Jackal more than anyone else in the Jungle is apt to go mad and then he runs through the forest biting everything in his way.

(c) What was the ‘law of the jungle’ ?

Answer: By the Law of the Jungle the tiger has no right to change his quarters without due warning.

(d) Why was Father Wolf angry on hearing the loud roar of the tiger?

Answer: Upon hearing the resounding roar of the tiger, Father wolf grew agitated, recognizing that such clamor was unfavorable for hunting.

Activity 4 Solution

Which are the two animals supported the wolf family to rear up Mowgli? Choose the correct option:

(a) Sher Khan and Tabaqui (b) Baloo and Bagheera (c) Tabaqui and Akela

Answer: (b) Baloo and Bagheera

Activity 5 Solution

Complete the following chart with information the text:

The tiger jumped into the fire.Answer: He has burnt his feet.
Answer: Sher Khan’s great square head and shoulders were thrust into the entrance.Moonlight was blocked at the at the mouth of the cave.
Mother Wolf would fight to the death.Answer: Sher Khan backed out of the cave mouth, growling.

Activity 6 Solution

Complete the following sentences:

(a) Father Wolf heard Khan __________________

Answer: Muttering and mumbling savagely.

(b) Sher Khan was unable to face the challenge of Mother Wolf because ____________________

Answer: she had all the advantage of the ground, and would fight to the death.

(c) The voice of Bagheera was ______________________________________

Answer: as soft wild honey dripping from a tree.

(d) When the man-cub will grow up __________________________________

Answer: he may help the pack of wolves.

Activity 7 Solution

Answer the following questions by referring to the text:

(a) What was the ‘most wonderful thing in the world’ ?

Answer: A human baby, who cannot walk properly is laughing at some furious wolf is standing in front of it.

(b) Describe the ‘Brown baby’ as he  came to the wolves’ den.

Answer: The baby cannot walk property. He was standing with a support. He was completely hairless and he has no sense of fear.

(c) Where were the parents of the ‘man cub’ ?

Answer: Sher Khan attacked his family. his parent ran away to save their lives leaving the little boy behind.

(d) Why did Sher Khan come to the den of the wolves ?

Answer: A man’s cub came to the wolf’s den for the man’s cub Sher Khan came to the wolf’s den.

(e) Who was Akela ? Give a description of Akela.

Answer: Akela was the leader of the wolves. He was gray in colour, lone , he was very strong and cunning.

(f) Why do you think Akela wanted the ‘man cub’ to be  in the wolf family?

Answer: Because from the beginning Akela never opposed the proposal, then he said that is wise, maybe one day that cub will help them.

Activity 8 Solution

The following statements summarize the story of Mowgli, but they are not in order. Rearrange the statements. Put the numbers in the given brackets.

(a) Mowgli was included in the wolf family. (  )

Answer: 6

(b) Father Wolf was surprised to find a little boy in front of their den. (  )

Answer: 1

(c) Bagheera also supported the demanded of the Father Wolf. (  )

Answer: 5

(d) Sher Khan came to the den to hunt the boy. ( )

Answer: 2

(e) Baloo gave his support to the wolf family. (   )

Answer: 4

(f) Father Wolf and mother Wolf refused to part with the boy. (  )

Answer: 3

Activity 9 Solution

Read units I and II and identify the words used in the text whose meanings are given below:

(a) baby of wolves (b) doorway (c) desire to hurt (d) speaking in a way that is difficult to hear

Answer: a) Baby of wolves – Cub 

b) doorway – Entrance 

c) desire to hurt  – Mischief 

d) speaking in a way that is difficult to hear  – Muttering 

Activity 10 Solution

Make sentences with the following similes :

as white as snow ; as red as rose ; as brave as a lion ; as big as an elephant ; as free as a bird ; as easy as A-B-C

Answer: (i) Her dress was as white as snow.

(ii) The sunset painted the sky as red as a rose.

(iii) She faced her fears and was as brave as a lion.

(iv) The giant balloon was as big as an elephant.

(v) After finishing his exams, he felt as free as a bird.

(vi) Solving this puzzle is as easy as A-B-C.

Activity 11 Solution

Underline the Present Perfect tense in the following sentences:

(a) They have worked till sunset.

Answer: They have worked till sunset.

(b) He has gone to sleep.

Answer: He has gone to sleep.

(c) The actor has received the award.

Answer: The actor has received the award.

(d) Sher khan and Tabaqui have been unsuccessful.

Answer: Sher khan and Tabaqui have been unsuccessful.

(e) Baloo has supported the wolves.

Answer: Baloo has supported the wolves.

Activity 12 Solution

Make sentences with the following words using the Present Perfect tense of the verb forms:

Finish, hear, lead, take, come, show, shine

Answer: (a) finish: He has finished the task.

(b) hear: I have heard the news.

(c) lead: The captain has led the army.

(d) take: He has taken the pen.

(e) come: He has already come.

(f) show: He has shown me the book.

(g) shine: He has shined in life.

Activity 13 Solution

Make sentences with the Past perfect tense of the following verbs:

run, begin, call, watch, play, drop, burn

Answer: (a) run: The thief had run away.

(b) begin: He had begun the race.

(c) call: He had called.

(d) watch: He had watched the game.

(e) play: He had played the game.

(f) drop: He had dropped the ball.

(g) burn: He had burnt the newspaper.

Activity 14 Solution

Choose the correct option of the given verb forms :

(a) The jackal found only a bone to eat as the wolves ( eats/ had eaten/ have eaten) everything.

Answer: had eaten

(b) Father Wolf (wake/ have woken/ had woken) up at seven in the evening.

Answer: have woken

(c) Bagheera and Baloo ( had supported/ support/ has supported) the demand of the Wolf family.

Answer: had supported

(d) I (have finished/ finishes/ finish) my task well before the scheduled time.

Answer: have finished

(e) Mary kom (win/ have won/ had won) a Bronze medal in the London Olympics.

Answer: had won

Activity 15 Solution

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets :

Mowgli’s parents ____________ (run) away leaving the little baby. Sher khan _____________ (come) to the cave of the wolves in search of Mowgli. The wolves ____________ (want) to rear up Mowgli. Bagheera and Baloo _____________ (support) the demand of the wolves. Finally, Akela agreed.

Answer: Mowgli’s parents ran (run) away leaving the little baby. Sher khan came (come) to the cave of the wolves in search of Mowgli. The wolves wanted (want) to rear up Mowgli. Bagheera and Baloo supported (support) the demand of the wolves. Finally, Akela agreed.

Activity 16 Solution

Write a short story (in about seventy words) using the following points. Give a title to the story :

A hare challenges a tortoise to a race – the race starts – hare takes rest on the way – falls asleep – the tortoise reaches the goal first.

Answer: The Sleepy Hare and the Steady Tortoise

Once, a hare challenged a tortoise to a race. Excitement filled the air as the race began. The hare was fast, but on the way, it decided to take a rest. The cozy spot made it sleepy, and soon it fell asleep. Meanwhile, the tortoise moved slowly but steadily, never stopping. To everyone’s surprise, the tortoise reached the goal first. The lesson was clear: slow and steady wins the race.

Activity 17 Solution

Suppose you have visited the zoo with your parents. Write a letter to your friend telling him/ her about your experience in the zoo. You can use the following hints:

Wild animals and birds you saw – their habits – your feelings – should they be kept in a zoo or in a reserve forest

Answer: Reshmi
22/1 lake road

Dear Rima,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share an exciting experience I had recently when I visited the zoo with my parents. It was truly a memorable day!

At the zoo, I got to see a wide variety of wild animals and birds. From majestic lions and playful monkeys to colorful parrots and graceful peacocks, the diversity of creatures amazed me. Observing their habits up close was fascinating. I saw the lions lounging in the shade, the monkeys swinging from branch to branch, and the birds showing off their beautiful feathers.

My feelings during the visit were a mix of awe and concern. While it’s incredible to see these creatures in person, I couldn’t help but wonder if they should be kept in a zoo or if they’d be better off in a natural habitat like a reserve forest. It’s true that zoos provide a safe environment for animals, but seeing them confined made me realize how important it is for them to have space to roam freely.

Overall, the zoo visit was an eye-opening experience that left me with many thoughts to ponder. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this too.

Take care and write back soon!

your loving friend

Rima Dutta
c/o Ram Dutta
Netaji para, Siliguri

Mowgli Among the Wolves Solution Class 7 English Text Book West Bengal Board is solved by Teachers. You can comment below if you have any question about the solution set.

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