Land of the Pharaohs Question Answer – Class 6 English Chapter 5 Solution

WB Board Class 6 English Text Book Chapter 5 Land of the Pharaohs Solution is given below. Land of the Pharaohs Question Answer from Class 6 English Chapter 5 are prepared by our teachers. You can read the solution and prepare for the upcoming exam.

Land of the Pharaohs - Class 6 English - Chapter 5 Solution

Activity 1 Solution

Tick the correct alternative:

(a) Ishan and his mother  visited (Giza/Luxor/ Alexandria) to see the pyramids.

Answer: Giza

(b) A pyramid is a huge (rectangular/ cylindrical/ triangular) monument.

Answer: triangular

(c) River (Nile/Bhagirathi/ Volga) flows through Egypt.

Answer: Nile

(d) The teen emperor of Egypt was (Khufu/Cephran/ Tutenkhamun).

Answer: Tutenkhamun

Activity 2 Solution

Complete the followings sentences with information from the text:

(a) The Pharaohs lived _________________________________.

Answer: The Pharaohs lived in Egypt.

(b) Sphinx in a rock statue ______________________________.

Answer: Sphinx in a rock statue statue with a human head and a lion’s body.

(c) Ishan’s mother went to fetch ________________ from the car.

Answer: Ishan’s mother went to fetch a couple of sandwiches and water from the car.

(d) The Egyptian  priests preserved the dead bodies by using _____________________.

Answer: The Egyptian  priests preserved the dead bodies by using Spices, chemicals and oils.

Activity 3 Solution

Answer the following question:

Why do you think that at the end of the day Ishan tells his mother that he likes history?

Answer: Ishan may genuinely have developed an interest in history throughout the day. He might have found the subject matter engaging or discovered a particular historical event or figure that piqued his curiosity.

Activity 4 Solution

Fill in the chart with information from the text :

The SphinxAnswer: Took Ishan back to the ancient Egypt
Answer: IshanSaw the river NileAnswer: When he closed his eyes and then opened again.
Royal personsAnswer: Had to go through mummificationBefore burial
Answer: Howard carterDug Tutenkhamun’s tombAnswer: in 1992

Activity 5 Solution

Answer the following question in complete sentences :

(a) Why was Ishan’s father not able to accompany him to Egypt?

Answer: Ishan’s mother won a prize at a singing competition. It sponsored the tour to Cairo for two persons only. So, Ishan’s father wanted Ishan to go there with his mother.

(b) What does the Sphinx represent ?

Answer: The sphinx represents intelligence and strength.

(c) Name the biggest pyramid of Egypt.

Answer: Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid is the biggest pyramid of Egypt.

(d) Why was Ishan’s mother surprised when she returned to her son?

Answer: Ishan’s mother was surprised to see that Ishan did not move from the spot where she left him.

Activity 6(a) Solution

Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:

(i) The girl ______________ playing alone.

Answer: The girl is playing alone.

(ii) A carpenter and a blacksmith _____________ in our street.

Answer: A carpenter and a blacksmith work in our street.

(iii) The king _______________ very powerful.

Answer: The king was very powerful.

(iv) The sisters and brothers _______________ running in the field.

Answer: The sisters and brothers are running in the field.

Activity 6(b) Solution

Fill in the blanks with verbs in agreement with their subjects:

(i) Curry and rice ______________ my favorite dish.

Answer: Curry and rice is my favorite dish.

(ii) No news ____________ good news.

Answer: No news is good news.

(iii) Everyone _______________ present today in the class.

Answer: Everyone is present today in the class.

(iv) Neither his father nor his mother ______________ alive.

Answer: Neither his father nor his mother is alive.

Activity 6(c) Solution

Using the Help Box fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs. The type of adverb you need to use is indicated in the brackets:

(i) The book is _____________ written. (Manner)

Answer: The book is well written.

(ii) I cannot find my pet dog _______________ (Place)

Answer: I cannot find my pet dog anywhere .

(iii) You shall _______________ see a film. (Time)

Answer: You shall soon see a film.

(iv) The soldiers fought ________________.(manner)

Answer: The soldiers fought bravely.

Help Box: well , bravely , here , soon , early

Activity 7 Solution

Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

monument : ____________________________________

Answer: monument : They erected a beautiful monument in the park to honor the fallen soldiers.

mummy: _______________________________________

Answer: mummy: The archaeologists uncovered an ancient mummy in the Egyptian tomb.

civilization : _____________________________________

Answer: civilization : The collapse of the Mayan civilization remains a mystery to historians.

spot : ____________________________________________

Answer: spot : The cat always naps in the same sunny spot by the window.

Activity 8(a) Solution

Imagine one day you are walking back home from school. Suddenly you see something which was not there before – a strange door in an old familiar building. As you touch the door it slowly opens inviting you to a different world. Write in about sixty words a paragraph on your sudden visit to such a strange place, using the following hints :

name of the place – description of the place – sights and sounds – what interested you the most – your feelings

Answer: One day, as I was walking home from school, I stumbled upon an unfamiliar door on a building I had passed countless times before. The door beckoned mysteriously, and my curiosity got the better of me. I touched it tentatively, and it creaked open, revealing an enchanting world beyond. This new place was a lush, vibrant forest filled with exotic flora and chirping birds. The thing that intrigued me most was a sparkling, iridescent waterfall that seemed to glow with its own light. My heart raced with excitement and wonder as I stepped into this magical realm, feeling like an intrepid explorer in an enchanted land.

Activity 8(b) Solution

Using the information given below, write a paragraph in about sixty words on the river Nile, the longest rive of the world :

Name of the riverThe Nile
Flows into The Mediterranean Sea
Why so important to the ancient Eygptiansprovided water, food, trasportation, excellent soil
Cities near the riverCairo, port Said, Alexandria

Answer: The Nile, the world’s longest river, flows through Africa for a staggering 6,650 kilometers before gracefully emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. This river held profound importance to the ancient Egyptians as it provided a lifeline for their civilization. It supplied water, sustenance, and a means of transportation. The rich alluvial soil along its banks supported agriculture, and it fostered the growth of cities like Cairo, Port Said, and Alexandria, making it the heart of ancient Egyptian culture and prosperity.

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