Rip Van Winkle Question Answer – Class 6 English Chapter 12 Solution

WB Board Class 6 English Book Chapter 12 Rip Van Winkle Solution: West Bengal Bengali Medium Board Class 6 English Text Book Solution of Lesson 12 Rip Van Winkle Written by Washington Irving is provided here. The Solution of this Class 6 Chapter 12 Rip Van Winkle is prepared by our experienced teachers.

Rip Van Winkle - Class 6 English - Chapter 12 Solution

Activity 1 Solution

Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers in the given boxes:

(1) Rip had to leave his group eventually.

Answer: 4

(2) On one of these days Rip had gone high up to the Kaatskill Mountains.

Answer: 5

(3) Rip used to sit and talk with his friends.

Answer: 1

(4) He heard a voice from the distance calling, “Rip Van Winkle!

Answer: 6

(5) His wife complained that his friends encouraged his idle habits.

Answer: 2

(6) poor Rip was reduced almost to despair.

Answer: 3

Activity 2 Solution

Fill in the blanks with words from the Help Box. There is one extra word :

Rip _______________ children at their sports. He always helped others in their _____________ His wife ___________ about his idle habits. One day Rip went ______________ up the Kaatskill Mountains.

Help Box : high, complained, assisted, encouraged, work

Answer: Rip assisted children at their sports. He always helped others in their work His wife complained about his idle habits. One day Rip went high up the Kaatskill Mountains.

Activity 3 Solution

Answer the following question :

How do you think Rip felt when he heard a voice from the distance calling?

Answer: when he heard a voice from the distance calling he felt that he should return home.

Activity 4 Solution

Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:

(a) The stranger wanted to assist Rip.

Answer: F

Supporting Statement: He made signs for Rip to assist him with the load. Always helpful, Rip did so.

(b) All the strangers had beards.

Answer: T

Supporting Statement: They all had beards, of various shapes and colors.

(c) Rip felt very thirsty.

Answer: T

Supporting Statement: Feeling thirsty, he had several drinks himself.

(d) Rip saw that his village had become smaller.

Answer: F

Supporting Statement: He saw his village was now larger, with more people.

Activity 5 Solution

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

(a) How did the stranger look?

Answer: The stranger looked peculiar. One had a large head, broad face, and small piggish eyes.

(b) What happened after Rip had drunk the liquid?

Answer: Rip fell into a deep sleep.

(c) Why was Rip surprised when he came near the village?

Answer: As Rip came near his village, he met many people he had never seen before.

(d) What did Rip suddenly notice?

Answer: Rip suddenly noticed that his beard had grown a foot long! he saw his village was now larger, with more people there were rows of houses which he had never seen before.

Activity 6 Solution

Fill in the following chart with information from the text:

(i) Rip had a long beard and wore a peculiar dressAnswer: soon attracted the attention of people.
(ii) Answer: Rip found himself alone in the world.Rip’s heart died away
(iii) Rip saw a fellow who looked exactly like his previous selfAnswer: Rip understood that this was his son.
(iv) Answer: An old woman said that Rip Van Winkle had been her father.all stood amazed

Activity 7 Solution

Answer the following question in complete sentences:

(a) What attracted the attention of the people when Rip entered the village?

Answer: Rip had his long beard and peculiar dress.

(b) What did Rip learn about Nicolas Vedder?

Answer: Nicolas Vedder is dead and gone for these eighteen years.

(c) Who looked exactly like Rip’s previous self?

Answer: Rip’s son looked exactly like his previous self.

(d) How long did twenty years seem to Rip?

Answer: Twenty years seemed to Rip as one night.

Activity 8 Solution

Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs from those given in brackets:

(i) A hundred rupees ___________ too much for this item (is/are)

Answer: is

(ii) The accountant and the cashier _____________ absconded. (has/have)

Answer: have

(iii) Time and tide ________________ (wait/waits) for none.

Answer: wait

(iv) Either he or I __________________ mistaken. (is/am)

Answer: am

(v) The ship with its crew ______________ delayed.(was/were)

Answer: was

Activity 9(a) Solution

Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

hollow : ____________________________

Answer: hollow : The hollow tree trunk served as a cozy home for a family of squirrels.

fearful : _____________________________

Answer: fearful : The fearful child clung to their parent’s hand during the thunderstorm.

ruins : _______________________________

Answer: ruins : The old castle ruins on the hilltop were shrouded in mystery and legends.

gaze : _______________________________

Answer: gaze : As the sun set over the horizon, they sat on the beach and gazed at the colorful sky.

Activity 9(b) Solution

Identify the typed of sentences given below:

(i) Rip’s sole follower was the dog Wolf.

Answer: declarative sentence.

(ii) What was to be done?

Answer: interrogative sentence.

(iii) All was silence.

Answer: declarative sentence.

(iv) Sure enough ! It is Van Winkle!

Answer: exclamatory sentence.

Activity 10(a) Solution

Write a short story in about sixty words using the hints given below. Add a title to it :

you went on a tour with your friends – stayed the night in a house inside a forest – slept in separate rooms – when you woke up your friends were all gone – your feelings – how you returned home

Answer: Lost in the Forest

You embarked on a tour with friends, staying the night in a rustic house within a dense forest. You each had separate rooms. Morning light revealed an empty house, your friends mysteriously vanished. Fear gripped you, but you followed a trail to civilization. Relief flooded you as you finally reached home, haunted by the eerie disappearance in that enigmatic forest.

Activity 10(b) Solution

Imagine that you have a very lazy brother who is always late in getting up from sleep. Write an imaginary conversation between you and your brother on the usefulness of early rising.


You: (Knocking on the bedroom door) Hey, wake up! It’s already 10 AM!

Brother: (Groaning) Ugh, can’t I sleep a little longer?

You: Seriously, you need to stop sleeping in so late. Early rising has its benefits, you know.

Brother: Benefits? Like what?

You: Well, for one, you have more productive hours in the day. You can get things done, like exercise, work, or study, before it gets too late.

Brother: (Yawning) But I work just fine at night.

You: True, but there’s something about starting your day early that sets a positive tone. You’re more likely to have a better mood and be less stressed.

Brother: (Still groggy) Meh, I’m not convinced.

You: Plus, you miss out on breakfast when you sleep in. Breakfast is important for your health and energy levels.

Brother: (Now sitting up) Alright, you have a point there. I do love a good breakfast.

You: And don’t forget, you’re often late for things because you oversleep. Early risers are usually punctual.

Brother: (Rubbing his eyes) I guess it’s worth a try.

You: Great! Tomorrow, we’ll set an alarm and get you up early. You’ll see, it might change your life.

Brother: (Grumbling) Fine, but only if you make me a delicious breakfast.

You: Deal! Now get up; let’s start changing that habit.

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