Father’s Help Question Answer – Class 10 English Chapter 1 Solution

WB Board Class 10 English Book Chapter 1 Father’s Help Question Answer: Read West Bengal Board Father’s Help Solution English Class 10 Book from this post. Get Model Activity Solution of Class 10 English Father’s Help Lesson 1 Answers below.

Father's Help - Class 10 English - Chapter 1 Solution

Exercise 1 Solution

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) With a shudder Swami realized that it was

(i) Friday

(ii) Thursday

(iii) Wednesday

(iv) Monday

Answer: (iv) Monday

(b) When swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall , he was lying on the

(i) bench

(ii) table

(iii) bed

(iv) desk

Answer: (i) bench

(c) According to swami , Samuel is especially angry with boys who are

(i) absent

(ii) late

(iii) inattentive

(iv) undisciplined

Answer: (ii) late

Exercise 2 Solution

2. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

(a) time when Swami complained of a headacheAnswer: at nine o’clock
(b) person who ordered Swami to dress up and go to schoolAnswer: Swaminathan’s father
(c) name of the teacher mentioned by SwamiAnswer: Samuel

Exercise 3 Solution

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer :

(a) Swami said that he had a headache .

Supporting statement :___________________________

Answer: T

Supporting statement : At nine o’clock, Swaminathan wailed, “I have a headache.” 

(b)Swami was lying his father’s room.

Supporting statement :____________________________

Answer: F

Supporting statement : Swami was lying on the bench in Mother’s room.

(c) According to Swami , the headmaster was not afraid of Samuel.

Supporting statement :____________________________

Answer: F

Supporting statement : They say that even the headmaster is afraid of him.

Exercise 4 Solution

4. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) Father decided to send the headmaster a

(i) telegram

(ii) notice

(iii) letter

(iv) report

Answer: (iii) letter

(b) While going to school swami was bothered by

(i) conscience

(ii) headache

(iii) toothache

(iv) fever

Answer: (i) conscience

(c) The color of Samuel’s coat was

(i) black

(ii) blue

(iii) white

(iv) yellow

Answer: (iv) yellow

Exercise 5 Solution

5. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) Father’s behavior took an _______________________

Answer: Father’s behavior took an unexpected turn.

(b) Swami went to school feeling ______________________

Answer: Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.

(c) Swami stopped on the roadside to ______________________

Answer: Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel.

Exercise 6 Solution

6. Answer the following questions :

(a) Where did Father put the letter ?

Answer: Dad placed the letter into an envelope and securely sealed it.

(b) What did Swami fail to decide about Samuel ?

Answer: Swami couldn’t make up his mind about whether Samuel truly warranted the allegations.

(c) How did Samuel look?

Answer: Samuel had dark face, thin mustache, unshaven cheek and wore a yellow coat.

Exercise 7 Solution

7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) Whom Swami entered the class , Samuel was teaching

(i) history

(ii) arithmetic

(iii) science

(iv) geography

Answer: (ii) arithmetic

(b) Swami was late to school by

(i) half an hour

(ii) an hour

(iii) two hours

(iv) three hours

Answer: (i) half an hour

(c) The headmaster was on a leave for one

(i) day

(ii) month

(iii) year

(iv) week

Answer: (iv) week

Exercise 8 Solution

8. Complete the following sentences with information from text :

(a) As Swami entered the school gate, ____________________

Answer: As Swami entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him.

(b) Swami stood at__________________________________

Answer: Swami stood at the entrance to his class.

(c) Father snatched the letter away from Swami and _____________________

Answer: Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.

Exercise 9 Solution

9. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

(a) Answer: On Sunday, Swaminathan loafed about.(a) Swami did not do his homework.
(b) Swami never met anyone as good as Samuel.(b) Answer: Swami sat down, feeling sorry
(c) Answer: The headmaster had gone on a week’s leave.(c) Swami could not deliver the letter.

Exercise 10 Solution

10. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) Rina (take/takes/took) the bus to school everyday.

Answer: Rina takes the bus to school everyday. 

(b) Last Monday, while we (was watching / have been watching/ were watching ) the television, electricity went off.

Answer: Last Monday, while we were watching the television, the electricity went off.

(c) By this time tomorrow they (will have left/will have leave /will had left).

Answer: By this time tomorrow they will have left.

Exercise 11 Solution

11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:

Arifa, the younger _____________________ the two girls, has cracked IIT, while ______________________ older one is __________________ engineer __________________ a multinational company.

Answer: Arifa, the younger of the two girls, has cracked IIT, while the older one is an engineer in a multinational company.

Exercise 12 Solution

12. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper (Within 100 words) about the problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.



The Editor
The Statesman
5, Chowrasta Square,
Kolkata – 700793

Subject: Concerns Over Reckless Driving of Public Vehicles

I am writing to express my deep concern about the escalating issues commuters face due to the reckless driving of public vehicles in our city. The safety of passengers is paramount, and it is disheartening to witness a growing number of incidents caused by irresponsible driving.

Commuters are subjected to harrowing experiences daily, with drivers ignoring traffic rules, overspending, and endangering lives. It is high time authorities take strict measures to ensure public transportation adheres to safety standards.

We urge the relevant authorities to implement stringent regulations, regular driver training, and rigorous enforcement of traffic laws to protect the well-being of commuters. Only through collective efforts can we make our city’s public transportation system safer for everyone.

Your Sincerely,

Mishmi Sen

Subhaspalli Road
Dalimpur , Falakata
September 20, 2023

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